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Software tester Resume help

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: General @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Members Introductions @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: New members, introduce yourselves, so that people with same goals can collaborate together to share informations, doubts etc.
Printed Date: 06Mar2025 at 5:29am

Topic: Software tester Resume help
Posted By: surangani_sl
Subject: Software tester Resume help
Date Posted: 30Nov2007 at 7:13am
I am Surangnai new to this group from Canada.
I like to get a QA/Software tester job.  I want to create a Software tester resume. Can someone help me?
Do you think, it is important to take QA certification inorder to get a job or is it good enough to read all these online tutorial?.
Please advice.

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