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Topic: & JAVA J2EE by Infouniv (KOLKATA)
Posted By: lalit.napster
Subject: & JAVA J2EE by Infouniv (KOLKATA)
Date Posted: 30Jul2008 at 4:13am
We at Infouniv give u the best training for ( or C# , , , SQL server 2003 , XML) and JAVA and J2EE this would be a hard core training for 6 months 4 days a week (or 4 months 6 days a week)and after the training there will be 2 live projects on .net and J2EE back to back ... and the best is that we''l train u for the online certification as well as for ur interviews . We all give u a job guarantee card (i.e a written document duly signed by the center manager and stamped) which keep u assured about the job part. We''ll provide u with all the softwares books notes weblinks ebooks .. dump mock test etc and all these for just Rs 20000/- and last but not the least we are MICROSOFT GOLD CERTIFIED (which means that all the faculty out here is specially trained by Microsoft and this center has been the best in terms of online exams ) contact me for special discount
Thanx for ur time
Lalit Jain

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