Test case generating tool in detail
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Forum Name: Test Cases @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: You must be well versed in writting Good Test Cases as they only will decide whether you can catch most of bugs or not.
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Topic: Test case generating tool in detail
Posted By: aks1320
Subject: Test case generating tool in detail
Date Posted: 07Feb2008 at 8:57pm
RBT tool generally make graphs to generate test cases.
It makes use of the Logic gates like AND, OR, NOT, NAND, XOR, NOR, XNOR
Tool will automatically generate test cases. WE just want to give proper connection btw causes and effects using logic gates.
It gives maximum coverage with minimum number of tests.
Posted By: lawrence
Date Posted: 08Feb2008 at 7:14am
From where can I get this tool?
Posted By: aks13200
Date Posted: 04Mar2008 at 1:46am
Only liscenced person will get this tool.
Posted By: thangavelshanmu
Date Posted: 19May2008 at 6:37am
Posted By: getzephyr
Date Posted: 11Aug2008 at 3:01am
Well, its good to know about test case generation tool.... also I would like to suggest you to new test management tool named Zephyr, it helps to you organize neatly all test cases assigned for you and also links to software and sites under test are
Posted By: suresh5003
Date Posted: 18May2009 at 11:30pm
< ="Content-" content="text/; charset=utf-8">< name="ProgId" content="Word.">< name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 12">< name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 12"> file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5Cdfxhfcg%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_filelist.xml - file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5Cdfxhfcg%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_themedata.thmx - file:///C:%5CDOCUME%7E1%5Cdfxhfcg%5CLOCALS%7E1%5CTemp%5Cmsohtmlclip1%5C01%5Cclip_colorschememapping.xml - <>
- HI
Recently I have seen a tool called http://testersdesk.com/ - TestersDesk.com
which is used specially for Test Design and Test Data Generation Tools, using
this tool all the organizations and software Testers are reducing their
Testcases as minimum as possible with high coverage and finding critical
Defects with in particular time of period
------------- Suresh
Posted By: JustinH
Date Posted: 28Jul2009 at 10:22pm
Please also consider the Hexawise test case generating tool at
http://www.hexawise.com/users/new. We have a free version and a
30-second login process for full access. Many users are giving us enthusiastic feedback about how easy it is to use, how quickly they are able to put together their test plans, and how many defects they are now finding that their prior manual methods of test case selection would have missed.
Unlike most test design tools, Hexawise offers:
1) Not only pairwise (AKA 2-way) solutions, but also it creates 3-way, 4-way,
5-way, and even 6-way solutions. (In other words, you can choose the
level of thoroughness you desire, and Hexawise will generate the test
conditions you should execute to achieve maximum coverage with the fewest possible number of tests).
2) Clear graphs showing the coverage that your test plan is generating
(e.g., you will be able to tell that after test #26, for example, you
have tested for a specific percentage of the total number of possible
pairs of values that you have indicated you want to test for
3) Example plans that help get you started using a test design tool
4) Clear FAQ and Help sections to address any questions you might have
(see http://www.hexawise.com/faq and http://www.hexawise.com/help
5) The ability to identify certain combinations of values as invalid.
(Once testers begin using test design tools, they recognize that this
feature is extremely important; if Parameter values include "Annual
Income" = US$5,000 and "Mortgage Type" = Jumbo, for example, but a user
of a mortgage application with that income would be unable to even
select the option to apply for a Jumbo mortgage, if your test design
tool does not allow you to eliminate those invalid combinations
automatically, you will either (a) wind up with lost coverage that you
had hoped your tool would be able to deliver, (b) spend many hours
trying to address this shortfall by manual adjustments to your test
cases, or (c) both.
Lastly, we currently have an 11-slide presentation on our home page to quickly
provide a little more background information about the tool and the
problems it solves with screen shots. It also contains an interesting
case study of how Hexawise can help you reduce 72 billion possible test
cases (that would be required -at least - to comprehensively test the
"get directions" functionality of Google Maps) to only 35 test cases
that achieve coverage of every single valid pair of parameter values
involved. (e.g., in those 35 test cases, every single browser type is
tested together with every mode of transportation choice at least once,
every single view option is tested together with every option for the
zoom/in zoom/out function, etc.)
If you are interested, please sign up for free access at: http://www.hexawise.com/users/new
Thank you.
------------- - Justin
Founder and CEO of Hexawise
"More coverage. Fewer tests."
Posted By: cool7575
Date Posted: 30Jul2009 at 3:20am
See my previous post. you can generate test data but for test case generation you must not rely on the tools much.
http://softwareqatestings.com/ - Software Testing
Posted By: JustinH
Date Posted: 22Sep2009 at 2:36am
I recently co-authored a paper with 3 PhD's on this topic, here:
http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SNS/acts/documents/kuhn-kacker-lei-hunter09.pdf - http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/SNS/acts/documents/kuhn-kacker-lei-hunter09.pdf
The data clearly shows that you can rely on test case generators like Hexawise to generate test cases for you (e.g., if you input the variables that should be included in testing, the tools will identify exactly what should be tested when in each test case - but admittedly this stops short of using them to figure out "Expected Results" for you). Those testing teams that adopted this approach found more than two times as many defects per tester hour than those teams that used manual test case identification methods.
See also: http://www.combinatorialtesting.com/clear-introductions-1 - http://www.combinatorialtesting.com/clear-introductions-1
http://hexawise.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/efficient-and-effective-test-design/ - http://hexawise.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/efficient-and-effective-test-design/
Seeing whether a test case generator identifies better test cases to generate than a person would identify manually is very straightforward; give one small team access to a tool like Hexawise (freely available at http://www.hexawise.com/users/new) and have another team test the same application without using Hexawise. Dozens of proof of concept pilots show there are dramatic improvements to both efficiency and effectiveness. But don't take my word for it, just give it a try and count the number of defects found by the small team that uses Hexawise as compared to the small team that uses manual test case selection methods.
Free access to the Hexawise test case generator is available at http://www.hexawise.com/users/new - http://www.hexawise.com/users/new (We will charge for a commercial version of the tool after adding additonal features)
------------- - Justin
Founder and CEO of Hexawise
"More coverage. Fewer tests."
Posted By: JustinH
Date Posted: 30Oct2009 at 3:37pm
For anyone interested in a brief video overview of how our freely available tool can help you save time in documenting tests and dramatically improve the efficiency during test execution, please see: http://hexawise.com/intro_movie - http://hexawise.com/intro_movie
Thank you.
------------- - Justin
Founder and CEO of Hexawise
"More coverage. Fewer tests."