Evaluating Test Plans Using Rubrics
Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Test Plans @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss, Learn and Prepare better and better Test Plans for yourself.
URL: http://forum.onestoptesting.com/forum_posts.asp?TID=1213
Printed Date: 02Mar2025 at 10:29pm
Topic: Evaluating Test Plans Using Rubrics
Posted By: Amita_05
Subject: Evaluating Test Plans Using Rubrics
Date Posted: 03May2007 at 3:32am
The phrase "test plan" means different things to
different people. There is even more disagreement about what makes one
test plan better than another one. Bernie Berger makes the case for
using multi-dimensional measurements to evaluate the goodness of test
plans. Walk away with a practical technique to systematically evaluate
any complex structure such as a test plan. Learn how to qualitatively
measure multiple dimensions of test planning and gain a context-neutral
framework for ranking each dimension. You'll also find out why
measurement of staff technical performance is often worse than no
measurement at all and how to use this technique as an alternative
approach to traditional practices. [This presentation is based on work
at Software Test Managers Roundtable (STMR) #8 held in conjunction with
the STAR conference.]
- Qualitatively evaluate complex structures, like test plans
- Ten dimensions of test planning
- Common problems of managing people with only quantitative measurements--distortion and dysfunction