Testcases for SIP protocol
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Topic: Testcases for SIP protocol
Posted By: Rocky001
Subject: Testcases for SIP protocol
Date Posted: 13Apr2007 at 10:39pm
Hi, I am
just starting off testing an application for SIP capabilities. I am not
sure how i should categorize my test cases and what would be important
test cases. It will be great if someone can point me to some sample
test cases. Thanks in Advance,
Posted By: Anusha@07
Date Posted: 13Apr2007 at 11:55pm
I think that it is up to you how to categorize TCs. Actually it depends on your needs and environment.
our project (with several VoIP servers) I used such categorization by
feature and created testcase for each server (we don't have a features
in management system to create 1 test case for different environments): Component:VoIP->Category:Feature name->Testcase (for Server). But depending on number of servers and features I could also arrange them in other order: Component:VoIP ->Category:Server name ->Testcase.
So "Forwards" feature could appear this way (all forwards features for ALL servers):
VoIP->Forwards: 1. set UCF for serv1 2. set UCF for serv2 ... x. set Conditional Forwarding for servX.
or like this (forward features for EACH server):
VoIP->Serv1 1. Set DND 2. Set UCF ... x. set Conditional Forwarding
I would be glad if someone could share their thoughts or experience on this.
important test cases - VoIP telephony has huge amount of features and
you need to find out what are the main business needs of your customer
and based on that determine which features are of main importance.