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difference between load &stress testing

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Topic: difference between load &stress testing
Posted By: megha thombre
Subject: difference between load &stress testing
Date Posted: 19Nov2007 at 11:16pm
i am very confused between load and stress testing .i know the defination but i get very confused when i apply it . for eg. can u explain me loda & strees testing on chair,liftConfused

Posted By: pnjagadeesh
Date Posted: 20Nov2007 at 5:21am
Let me clarify you..

Load testing is testing to see that how well the application maintains its performance under increased load.

for example they will see at what point the application is crashing. Testers increase all the available resources like hardware configuration of the systems, network speed i.e., what ever they can upgrade and test how many users (logins at a time) is handled by the application.

In stress we do the same as said above but with the limited resources available. here we do not upgrade the hardware or network speed or any thing. Just we test with the available resources.

hope this will clarify your doubt.


Posted By: megha thombre
Date Posted: 20Nov2007 at 11:19pm
can  u explain it for chair ,lift ,web site?

Posted By: pravallika
Date Posted: 01Feb2008 at 6:35pm
let me tell you in simple words.load testing is testing with large data base.stress testing is to test for large loades with long duration.any one plz correct me if iam wrong

Posted By: lawrence
Date Posted: 02Feb2008 at 9:50am -

Posted By: ashwini_123
Date Posted: 04Feb2008 at 11:52pm
i could help you on this topic by giving u Link -

Here u can find Answer to your Questions...

Posted By: baba.tester
Date Posted: 26Feb2008 at 1:02am
One of the most common, but unfortunate misuse of terminology
>is treating "load testing" and "stress testing" as synonymous.   The
>consequence of this ignorant semantic abuse is usually that the system
>is neither properly "load tested" nor subjected to a meaningful  stress
>1.    Stress testing is subjecting a system to an unreasonable load
>while denying it the resources (e.g., RAM, disc, mips, interrupts,
>etc.) needed to process that load.  The idea is to stress a system to
>the breaking point in order to find bugs that will make that break
>potentially harmful.  The system is not expected to process the
>overload without adequate resources, but to behave (e.g., fail) in a
>decent manner (e.g., not corrupting or losing data).  Bugs and failure
>modes discovered under stress testing may or  may not be repaired
>depending on the application, the failure mode, consequences, etc. 
>The load (incoming transaction stream) in stress testing is often
>deliberately distorted so as to force the system into resource
>2.    Load testing is subjecting a system to a statistically
>representative (usually) load.  The two main reasons for using such
>loads is in support of software reliability testing and in
>performance testing.  The term "load testing" by itself is too vague
>and imprecise to warrant use.  For example, do you mean representative
>load," "overload," "high load," etc.  In performance testing, load is
>varied from a minimum (zero) to the maximum level the system can
>sustain without running out of resources or having, transactions
>suffer (application-specific) excessive delay.
>3.    A third use of the term is as a test whose objective is to
>determine the maximum sustainable load the system can handle.  
>In this usage, "load testing" is merely testing at the highest
>transaction arrival rate in performance testing
If it is not cleared i will tell u tomorrow

Posted By: sandeep.testing
Date Posted: 11Sep2008 at 11:29pm

In Load Test, we test number of users on application as per client requirements by applying gradually increase or at a time .Load testing is mainly based on giving the data only for mandatory fields in an application. where as stress test means,Finding the break point of an application is Stress testing. At a time load is Stress on the application.

Eg:    client mentions no. Of users. Let us assume 25. In this context Load & Stress will be as follows.

  Load: one by one hits the application up to 25 users

Stress: At a time 25 users hits on the application

Posted By: sairevathi
Date Posted: 25Sep2008 at 12:14pm
Load Testing:
       Applying the heavy loads
Applying the heavy repetations

Posted By: roopshree
Date Posted: 30Sep2008 at 12:03am
Load testing - testing an application under heavy loads, such as testing of a web site under a range of loads to determine at what point the system's response time degrades or fails.          
Stress testing - term often used interchangeably with 'load' and 'performance' testing. Also used to describe such tests as system functional testing while under unusually heavy loads, heavy repetition of certain actions or inputs, input of large numerical values, large complex queries to a database system, etc.

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