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WinRunner Questions and Answers Part-5

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: WinRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: WinRunner is an automated functional GUI testing tool that allows a user to record and play back UI interactions as test scripts using a proprietary Test Script Language (TSL).
Printed Date: 21Mar2025 at 3:50am

Topic: WinRunner Questions and Answers Part-5
Posted By: Mithi25
Subject: WinRunner Questions and Answers Part-5
Date Posted: 12Aug2009 at 10:48pm
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Winrunner Question 42: What is the name of custom class in WinRunner and what methods it applies on the custom objects?

What is the name of custom class in WinRunner and what methods it applies on the custom objects?
WinRunner learns custom class objects under the generic “object” class. WinRunner records operations on custom objects using obj_ statements.

Winrunner Question 43: In a situation when obligatory and optional both the properties cannot uniquely identify an object what method WinRunner applies?

In a situation when obligatory and optional both the properties cannot uniquely identify an object what method WinRunner applies?
In cases where the obligatory and optional properties do not uniquely identify an object, WinRunner uses a selector to differentiate between them. Two types of selectors are available:
  • A location selector uses the spatial position of objects.
  • An index selector uses a unique number to identify the object in a window.

Winrunner Question 44: What is the purpose of different record methods 1) Record 2) Pass up 3) As Object 4) Ignore.

  • Record instructs WinRunner to record all operations performed on a GUI object. This is the default record method for all classes. (The only exception is the static class (static text), for which the default is Pass Up.)
  • Pass Up instructs WinRunner to record an operation performed on this class as an operation performed on the element containing the object. Usually this element is a window, and the operation is recorded as win_mouse_click.
  • As Object instructs WinRunner to record all operations performed on a GUI object as though its class were “object” class.
  • Ignore instructs WinRunner to disregard all operations performed on the class.

Winrunner Question 45: How do you find out which is the start up file in WinRunner?

How do you find out which is the start up file in WinRunner?
The test script name in the Startup Test box in the Environment tab in the General Options dialog box is the start up file in WinRunner.

Winrunner Question 46: What are the virtual objects and how do you learn them?

What are the virtual objects and how do you learn them?
  • Applications may contain bitmaps that look and behave like GUI objects. WinRunner records operations on these bitmaps using win_mouse_click statements. By defining a bitmap as a virtual object, you can instruct WinRunner to treat it like a GUI object such as a push button, when you record and run tests.
  • Using the Virtual Object wizard, you can assign a bitmap to a standard object class, define the coordinates of that object, and assign it a logical name.

To define a virtual object using the Virtual Object wizard:
  • Choose Tools > Virtual Object Wizard. The Virtual Object wizard opens. Click Next.
  • In the Class list, select a class for the new virtual object. If rows that are displayed in the window. For a table class, select the number of visible rows and columns. Click Next.
  • Click Mark Object. Use the crosshairs pointer to select the area of the virtual object. You can use the arrow keys to make precise adjustments to the area you define with the crosshairs. Press Enter or click the right mouse button to display the virtual object’s coordinates in the wizard. If the object marked is visible on the screen, you can click the Highlight button to view it. Click Next.
  • Assign a logical name to the virtual object. This is the name that appears in the test script when you record on the virtual object. If the object contains text that WinRunner can read, the wizard suggests using this text for the logical name. Otherwise, WinRunner suggests virtual_object, virtual_push_button, virtual_list, etc.

Winrunner Question 47: What are the two modes of recording?

What are the two modes of recording?
There are 2 modes of recording in WinRunner
  • Context Sensitive recording records the operations you perform on your application by identifying Graphical User Interface (GUI) objects.    
  • Analog recording records keyboard input, mouse clicks, and the precise x- and y-coordinates traveled by the mouse pointer across the screen.

Winrunner Question 48: What is a checkpoint and what are different types of checkpoints?

Checkpoints allow you to compare the current behavior of the application being tested to its behavior in an earlier version.

You can add four types of checkpoints to your test scripts:
  • GUI checkpoints verify information about GUI objects. For example, you can check that a button is enabled or see which item is selected in a list.
  • Bitmap checkpoints take a “snapshot” of a window or area of your application and compare this to an image captured in an earlier version.  
  • Text checkpoints read text in GUI objects and in bitmaps and enable you to verify their contents.
  • Database checkpoints check the contents and the number of rows and columns of a result set, which is based on a query you create on your database.

Winrunner Question 49: What are data driven tests?

When you test your application, you may want to check how it performs the same operations with multiple sets of data. You can create a data-driven test with a loop that runs ten times: each time the loop runs, it is driven by a different set of data. In order for WinRunner to use data to drive the test, you must link the data to the test script which it drives. This is called parameterizing your test. The data is stored in a data table. You can perform these operations manually, or you can use the DataDriver Wizard to parameterize your test and store the data in a data table.

Winrunner Question 50: What are the synchronization points?

  • Synchronization points enable you to solve anticipated timing problems between the test and your application. For example, if you create a test that opens a database application, you can add a synchronization point that causes the test to wait until the database records are loaded on the screen.
  • For Analog testing, you can also use a synchronization point to ensure that WinRunner repositions a window at a specific location. When you run a test, the mouse cursor travels along exact coordinates. Repositioning the window enables the mouse pointer to make contact with the correct elements in the window.

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