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Is there a need to write test case for Usability T

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Usability & Accessibility Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Usability & Accessibility Software Testing and its Tools.
Printed Date: 26Feb2025 at 4:13am

Topic: Is there a need to write test case for Usability T
Posted By: Anjali
Subject: Is there a need to write test case for Usability T
Date Posted: 26Apr2007 at 4:36am
I have a question regarding to Usability Testing. Do we need to write test case for that kind of test. And how we can execute these test effectively.

Posted By: Chameli
Date Posted: 26Apr2007 at 5:38am
You can write some standard Test Cases for Usability.
Ex: Entering user details form. If submit button is compulsory followed by Cancel button.

But if a clear button is given for the user to clear all the details and reenter being on

same screen etc.,

You need to think some screens designs and you can write. As usual some time you will get

some idea while actually testing the same. You can post them as a suggestions for

development team.  

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