Software Testing Life Cycle:
The test development life cycle contains the following components:
Use Case Document
Test Plan
Test Case
Test Case execution
Report Analysis
Bug Analysis
Bug Reporting
Typical interaction scenario from a user's perspective for system
requirements studies or testing. In other words, "an actual or
realistic example scenario". A use case describes the use of a system
from start to finish. Use cases focus attention on aspects of a system
useful to people outside of the system itself.
- Users of a program are called users or clients.
- Users of an enterprise are called customers, suppliers, etc.
Use Case:
A collection of possible scenarios between the system under discussion
and external actors, characterized by the goal the primary actor has
toward the system's declared responsibilities, showing how the primary
actor's goal might be delivered or might fail.
Use cases are goals (use cases and goals are used interchangeably) that
are made up of scenarios. Scenarios consist of a sequence of steps to
achieve the goal, each step in a scenario is a sub (or mini) goal of
the use case. As such each sub goal represents either another use case
(subordinate use case) or an autonomous action that is at the lowest
level desired by our use case decomposition.
This hierarchical relationship is needed to properly model the requirements of a -
There are two scopes that use cases are written from: Strategic and
System. There are also three levels: Summary, User and Sub-function.
Scopes: Strategic and System
Strategic Scope:
The goal (Use Case) is a strategic goal with respect to the system.
These goals are goals of value to the organization. The use case shows
how the system is used to benefit the organization.,/p>
These strategic use cases will eventually use some of the same lower
level (subordinate) use cases.
System Scope:
Use cases at system scope are bounded by the system under development.
The goals represent specific functionality required of the system. The
majority of the use cases are at system scope. These use cases are
often steps in strategic level use cases
Levels: Summary Goal , User Goal and Sub-function.
Sub-function Level Use Case:
A sub goal or step is below the main level of interest to the user.
Examples are "logging in" and "locate a device in a DB". Always at
System Scope.
User Level Use Case:
This is the level of greatest interest. It represents a user task or
elementary business process. A user level goal addresses the question
"Does -
Summary Level Use Case:
Written for either strategic or system scope. They represent
collections of User Level Goals. For example summary goal "Configure
Data Base" might include as a step, user level goal "Add Device to
database". Either at System of Strategic Scope.
Test Documentation
Test documentation is a required tool for managing and maintaining the
testing process. Documents produced by testers should answer the
following questions:
- What to test? Test Plan
- How to test? Test Specification
- What are the results? Test Results Analysis Report
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