Why testing Web Applications is different?
Testing web applications is different because of many factors scenarios affecting the performance and user experience. Web applications can typically cater to a large and a diverse audience. Web Applications can also be exposed to wide range of security threats. Web applications may open up illegal points of entry to the databases and other systems holding sensitive information.
To ensure that the web application works reliably and correctly under different situations these factors need to be accounted for and tested.
Hence a lot of effort needs to put in for Test Planning and Test Design. Test Cases should be written covering the different scenarios not only of functional usage but also technical considerations such as Network speeds, Screen Resolution, etc.
For example an application may work fine on Broad Band internet users but may perform miserably for users with dial up internet connections. Web Applications are known to give errors on slow networks, whereas they perform well on high speed connections. Web pages don’t render correctly for certain situations but work okay with others.
Images may take longer to download for slower networks and the end user perception of the application may not be good.