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- In software Testing Test Design is the important for
software testing itself, to reduce the testcases as minimum as possible and
find more defects
- There is a tool called http://TestersDesk.com - TestersDesk.com
which is used specially for Test Design and Test Data Generation Tools, There
are different types of tools which are used to reduce the testcases into little
number, I can explain clearly with good example
PairWise TestCase Generator
This tool will be useful in the situations where several
parameters exist each of which take several values resulting a high number of
Test combinations, to reduce that combinations into a little number we are
using this tool.
It will cover almost 80-90% of Test coverage.
It will cover single fault determination.
For Example:
Net connections: Tata, Reliance, Airtel
Browsers: IE6, IE7, IE8
Platforms: XP, XP2, XP3, Vista
Ram: 1GB, 2GB, 3GB
Manually if we generate the combinations it will generate
108 pair combinations like
1) Tata-IE6-XP-1GB
2) Reliance-IE7-XP2-2GB
but our pairwise
TestCase Generator Generates into a little number 13 which is very simple for
the Tester to test those 13 pair combinations.
PairWise Testing can be used mainly when we have to find
critical defects.
------------- Suresh