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QTP: Keyword driven scripting

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: QuickTest Pro @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: QuickTest Pro is a fresh approach to automated software and application testing that addresses testing needs of both business analysts and Quality Assurance professionals.
Printed Date: 08Mar2025 at 3:12am

Topic: QTP: Keyword driven scripting
Posted By: ashwini_123
Subject: QTP: Keyword driven scripting
Date Posted: 26Mar2008 at 4:13am

Can anyone provide me info on QTP keyword scripting


Posted By: v_selvam
Date Posted: 08Apr2008 at 4:37am
Keyword driven scripting is one kind of frame work.  Search in the net, you will get lots of informations.

Posted By: manishgi
Date Posted: 17Apr2008 at 8:22am
QTP keyword driven scripting is table base scripting. Novice can lean QTP very quickly throw keyword view. For more details you can read QTP tutorial and QTP user guide from it's printer frendly help file.

manish kumar gupta

Posted By: kumarg
Date Posted: 17Jun2008 at 10:12pm
Keyword Driven Scripting is a framework which has only keywords not hard coded scripting. To implement this concept QTP must need to be connected with QC. Primarily manual test engineers create test case and this can be directly automated with out writing script in expert view. It reduces script design time. It needs object repository. Let me know if any...

Keep up good work

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