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Overview of Requirem

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Quality Assurance @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Requirements and Design Documents @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: All those Artifacts generated in Requirement and Design Phases like Use Cases, SRS, Functional & Non-Functional Specefications, Check Lists, Design Documentations etc.
Printed Date: 05Mar2025 at 10:02pm

Topic: Overview of Requirem
Posted By: vidhya
Subject: Overview of Requirem
Date Posted: 26Mar2007 at 10:10pm

1          OVERVIEW

Provide a brief description of the project or organization, its purpose, and history. Describe the system that will be built, modified, or maintained.

1.1        Purpose

The purpose of requirement management is to establish a common understanding of the technical and non-technical requirements that will be addressed by the project or organization between the customer and project or organization, within the project or organization, and throughout the lifecycle. The goals of requirements management are to ensure that requirements are controlled to establish a baseline for development, acquisition, or management; and to ensure plans, work products, and activities are consistent with the requirements.


The RM plan establishes an orderly method by which the goals of requirements management will be achieved.  The plan also communicates essential information to project participants and helps newcomers get up to speed.  Consequently, the plan is a living document, which needs to be updated and supplemented throughout its life.

1.2        Scope

The scope of the plan includes:

  • What must be done
  • How it shall be done
  • Who will perform various activities
  • When they must be performed
  • What level of requirement quality must be achieved

1.3        Applicability

Describe who and what is affected by the plan.

1.4        Document Organization

Overview of the document contents.

1.5        Applicable Documents

Identify documents controlling RM plan contents.

1.6        Changes and Revisions

Tell what organization is responsible for controlling changes to the RM plan and related information.

1.7        Issues

Describe issues that affect implementation of the requirements management plan (training, tool selection, geographic distribution of the team, etc.)

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