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How to record an application with HP - LoadRunner

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: LoadRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: LoadRunner is a performance and load testing product by HP / Mercury Interactive for examining system behavior and performance, while generating actual load.
Printed Date: 28Feb2025 at 2:51am

Topic: How to record an application with HP - LoadRunner
Posted By: yogindernath
Subject: How to record an application with HP - LoadRunner
Date Posted: 15Mar2009 at 2:21am

How do we record an application using HP - LoadRunner?

First of all let us try to quickly understand the Load Testing: While aiming to perform a load test of an application; we use LoadRunner to replace the human users with virtual users (called "Vusers") on the actual machines. These Vusers impose artificially created load on the system by emulating actions of actual human users in a repeatable and predictable manner.

Virtual User Generator module of LoadRunner commonly known as VuGen creates artificial users for us and records our all actions in the form of automated scripts. VuGen works on the principle of record and playback.

Systematic steps to record an application using VuGen Module of LoadRunner are as under:

Step – 1: Starting of the LoadRunner:
Select "Start" > "Programs" > "LoadRunner" > "LoadRunner". The LoadRunner launcher window pops up.

Step – 2: Starting of the VuGen Module of LoadRunner: Click the "Load Testing" tab, In the Launcher window.

Further, click on the very first option "Create/Edit Scripts" to launch the Start Page of VuGen module.

Step – 3: Creation of a new Script: Under the "Scripts" tab in the VuGen Start Page, click "New Vuser Script" to open the following "New Virtual User" dialog box.

Step – 4: Making a choice out of single protocol script or Multiple protocol script from the left pane of the dialog box:

a) Select single protocol script - make a selection from the Category list and select one of the protocols.

b) Select multiple protocol script - to record more than one protocols in a single recording session. Select the desired protocol from the Available Protocols list. Click the right-pointing arrow to move the selection into the Selected Protocols list. Repeat the step to select all the desired protocols.

Complete Article is available at:

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