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Need of Security Testing

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Types Of Software Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Security Testing @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: Discuss All that is need to be known about Security Testing, All Security Issues and its Tools.
Printed Date: 09Mar2025 at 9:08pm

Topic: Need of Security Testing
Posted By: satabdi
Subject: Need of Security Testing
Date Posted: 05Apr2007 at 4:19am
  • Security test helps in finding out loopholes that can cause loss of important information and allow any intruder enter into the systems.
  • Security Testing helps in improving the current system and also helps in ensuring that the system will work for longer time (or it will work without hassles for the estimated time).
  • Security Testing doesn’t only include conformance of resistance of the systems your organization uses, it also ensures that people in your organization understand and obey security policies. Hence adding up to the organization-wide security.
  • If involved right from the first phase of system development life cycle, security testing can help in eliminating the flaws into design and implementation of the system and in turn help the organization in blocking the potential security loopholes in the earlier stage. This is beneficial to the organization almost in all aspects (financially, security and even efforts point of view).

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