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Scripting on Batch file using LoadRunner

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: Testing Tools @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: LoadRunner @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: LoadRunner is a performance and load testing product by HP / Mercury Interactive for examining system behavior and performance, while generating actual load.
Printed Date: 23Feb2025 at 11:30am

Topic: Scripting on Batch file using LoadRunner
Posted By: rima
Subject: Scripting on Batch file using LoadRunner
Date Posted: 25Apr2007 at 11:25pm

I need to perform one load test, using the Load Runner on a batch file. This how it looks like

I need to execute below type of command in MS-DOC command window that will execute some java files.

Ex: C:> abc.bat 20, 30 <Enter>

Then I need to parameterize those 20 and 30 values

So please tell me which protocol need to use and procedure to achieve this task. Please help me out in this.

Posted By: lalita
Date Posted: 26Apr2007 at 3:26am
Perhaps you could detail for the audience here how this would be quite contrary? As a fellow professional you owe it to the audience to clarify your statement.

It should be apparent from my previous answer that there is no protocol for batch files. LoadRunner cannot record interaction with a batch file on the same PC where the recording is taking place - unless using Citrix or equivalent.

The solution Siva arrived at is not unusual. Nothing in previous posts here ruled out a LoadRunner "system" call. The point you apparently missed is that one does not need LoadRunner to execute a batch file. Batch files existed long before LoadRunner. People executed batch files long before LoadRunner! People used batch files to time code components long before LoadRunner or any commercially equivalent tool was available!

This is intended to be a professional forum where misinformation is discouraged. It is trusted that you will support that concept.

Your statement "just any protocol is suitable for your task using the C system call for that purpose. " is flawed. There are many protocols available in LR that are not "C". Therefore "system" is not a valid "C system call" in VB or VBScript, etc. Also, "not just any protocol" is suitable for Siva's task.

The good thing is that Siva was resourceful, found a way, and then shared it. There are a couple ingredients in that statement we fully support here - "resourceful" and "shared". 

Posted By: papayamilkshake
Date Posted: 12Sep2007 at 9:28am
Client side activity will not be recorded.  If you are profiling on the local machine, then use QTP or Winrunner.  LoadRunner is a wrong tool to look at.  You may have to share with us what the Java is doing in order to get help.  Not much advise can be provided at this point.

LoadRunner TnT @

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