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JuSt PiNg To All oF U !!!

Printed From: One Stop Testing
Category: General @ OneStopTesting
Forum Name: Members Introductions @ OneStopTesting
Forum Discription: New members, introduce yourselves, so that people with same goals can collaborate together to share informations, doubts etc.
Printed Date: 23Mar2025 at 3:47pm

Topic: JuSt PiNg To All oF U !!!
Posted By: kashif_awan28
Subject: JuSt PiNg To All oF U !!!
Date Posted: 12Feb2008 at 3:39am

Hi Dear fellows,

  This is kashif from Pakistan, I am new to thyis group... Hope everybody is doing fine. Now a days I am playing a key role to CMMI maturity level-II in my organization, having certification of CMMI V1.2. Almost 4-Years of experience in QA/Testing.....



Kashif Iqbal Awan
Certified CMMI ATM & QA Analyst

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