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HCL Interview Questions

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Topic: HCL Interview Questions
Posted By: raghugn
Subject: HCL Interview Questions
Date Posted: 01Jul2009 at 12:35am
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  HCL Interview Questions

A 5 litre jug contains 4 litres of a salt water solution that is 15 percent salt. If 1.5 litres of the

A 5 litre jug contains 4 litres of a salt water solution that is 15 percent salt. If 1.5 litres of the solution spills out of the jug, and the jug is then filled to capacity with water, approximately what percent of the resulting solution in the jug is salt?

Which of the following involves context switch,a) system call b) priviliged instructionc) floating poitnt

Which of the following involves context switch,a) system call b) priviliged instructionc) floating poitnt exceptiond) all the abovee) none of the above

What is open sourceand why linux is so called?

Latest Answer: Hey sorry man but open source is not just limited to linux even there are windows and mac applications that are developed having the open source liscence ...

What are the types of OS? What is GUI, Which OS will come this side? What is NON-GUI and Which OS will

What are the types of OS? What is GUI, Which OS will come this side? What is NON-GUI and Which OS will come this side

What is virtual function?from where java name came ?and what are the applications of java ?

Latest Answer: Virtual Functions are of two types one is Pure Virtual Function and other is simple Virtual FunctionsThese functions are mostly used in C++ and C#Pure Virtual function is virtual void abc()=0; This will make the class abstract and the object of class ..

What is platform independent?why java is called so?and what is platform dependent,why C,C++ is called

What is platform independent?why java is called so?and what is platform dependent,why C,C++ is called so?

Can anybody tell me whts the interview procedure for Symbian devloper having six months in symbian

Can anybody tell me whts the interview procedure for Symbian devloper having six months in symbian and in total 1-yr experience.

Dear Friends,If Any one have HCL interview informatica model Questions Please send it.

Latest Answer: dear friends, if any one have HCL interview question papers please send the questions. ... doing in 3rd semester now..what should i do to get in hcl??what are the key subjects to doing in 3rd semester now..what should i do to get in hcl??what are the key subjects to work on??please reply

What is the specification for attending the off campus for your concern?The eligibility of a final year

What is the specification for attending the off campus for your concern?The eligibility of a final year engineering student to attend your recrutement tests?

Posted By: indu19
Date Posted: 02Jul2009 at 4:18am
I give some links for the HCL placement paper.

you can get more resources like this - here .

All the best...

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