- http://maxq.tigris.org/ - MaxQ
- MaxQ is a free web functional testing tool. It includes an HTTP proxy
that records your test script, and a command line utility that can be
used to playback tests. The proxy recorder automatically stores
variables posted to forms, so you don't have to write that stuff by
- http://abbot.sourceforge.net/ - Abbot
- The Abbot framework is a Java library for GUI unit testing and
functional testing. It provides methods to reproduce user actions and
examine the state of GUI components. The framework may be invoked
directly from Java code or accessed without programming through the use
of scripts.
There are two ways of using this framework. One is to write the tests
directly in Java code. The other is to use a script to control the
event playback and testing, which is more suitable to
integration/functional testing. A script editor is provided to
facilitate the latter form of test.
- http://pounder.sourceforge.net/ - Pounder
- Pounder is a utility for automating Java GUI tests. It allows
developers to dynamically load GUI's, record scripts, and then use
those scripts in a test harness. Pounder differentiates itself from
other utilities by allowing you to examine the results of a test run in
source, while maintaining a separate GUI script that can be re-recorded
if necessary.
- http://grinder.sourceforge.net/ - Grinder
- The Grinder is a Java™ load-testing framework. The Grinder makes it
easy to orchestrate the activities of a test script in many processes
across many machines, using a graphical console application.
- http://jameleon.sourceforge.net/ - Jameleon
- Jameleon is an acceptance-level automated testing tool that separates
applications into features and allows those features to be tied
together independently, creating test-cases. These test-cases can then
be data-driven and executed against different environments.
- http://www.cs.umd.edu/%7Eatif/GUITARWeb/ - GUITAR
- GUI Testing Framework that presents a unified solution to the GUI
testing problem. Emphasis has been on developing new event-based tools
and techniques for various phases of GUI testing.
- http://solex.sourceforge.net/ - Solex
- Solex is a Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the
Eclipse IDE. It provides functions to record a client session, adjust
it according to various parameters and replay it later typically in
order to ensure non regression of the application's behaviour.
- http://www.owasp.org/development/webscarab - WebScarab
- WebScarab is a loose suite of web application security assessment
tools. It is designed to be a tool for technical auditors who want to
expose some of the workings of an application and automate some of the
tests, whilst still having the flexibility to force the tests to
execute the way the auditor wishes.
- http://www.openchannelsoftware.org/projects/JOSIT/ - JOSIT
- JOSIT (Java Observation Simulation Inspection Toolkit) is an open
Application Programmer's Interface for instrumenting applications
written in the Java programming language.
- http://webtest.canoo.com/webtest/manual/WebTestHome.html - Canoo WebTest
- Canoo WebTest is a free open source tool for automated testing of web
applications. It calls web pages and verifies the results, giving
comprehensive reports on success and failure.
- http://www.pushtotest.com/ - TestMaker
- TestMaker is the complete test and monitoring solution that software
developers, QA technicians and IT managers use everyday to solve
scalability, functionality and performance problems in Web-enabled
applications, especially Web Services. TestMaker makes you immediately
productive with an integrated test environment and test agent Recorder.
- http://sourceforge.net/projects/webunitproj/ - Enterprise Web Test
- Enterprise Web Test allows Java programmers to write re-usable tests
for web applications that, unlike HttpUnit, "drive" the actual web
browser on the actual platform they intend to support.
- http://marathonman.sourceforge.net/ - Marathon
- The long-term vision for Marathon is to keep the focus of a tool that
specializes in automated java Swing testing. Implemented by folks at
- http://dbmonster.kernelpanic.pl/index.html - DBMonster
- DBMonster is a tool which helps database application developers with
tuning the structure of the database, tuning the usage of indexes, and
testing the application performance under heavy database load.
DBMonster generates as much random test data as you wish and puts it
into SQL database. It provides a very pluggable interface and is
trivial to use.
- http://j-spider.sourceforge.net/ - JSpider
- A highly configurable and customizable Web Spider engine. Check your
site for errors. Outgoing and/or internal link checking. Analyze your
site structure.
- http://aft.sourceforge.net/ - Anteater
- Anteater is a testing framework designed around Ant. It provides an
easy way to write tests for checking the functionality of a Web
application or of an XML Web service. Built-in webserver allows testing
of HTTP requests as well as responses. Suitable for non-interactive,
cron-driven use in Continuous integration environments.
- http://logitest.sourceforge.net/#latest - LogiTest
- The core application in the LogiTest suite. The LogiTest application
is used to record and playback single tests. LogiTest can be used to
create functional and regression test for web applications using a
simple graphical user interface. LogiMonitor is used to monitor web
applications and send notifications or take actions when a web
application fails.
- http://www.ph-ludwigsburg.de/mathematik/personal/spannagel/jacareto/ - Jacareto
- Jacareto is a capture&replay framework for Java applications and
applets. It allows you to easily create your own capture&replay
tools. Jacareto is very flexible; you can write your own capture
modules, replay modules, classes which handle special components,
editors, record types, record elements and tests. You can also group
record elements together to build high-level structures (qualitative
analysis). By extracting data sets from records, quantitative analyses
can be performed.
- http://www.openware.org/loadsim/ - LoadSim
- LoadSim is a web application load simulator. It allows you to create
simulations and have those simulations run against your webserver.
Records your browser session to create the simulation scenarios. Remote
management of simulations. Random delays can be added between links to
simulate real users.
- http://www.objectweb.org/rubis - Rubis
- RUBiS is an auction site prototype modeled after eBay.com that is
used to evaluate application design patterns and application servers
performance scalability. RUBiS can be used from a web browser for
testing purposes or with the provided benchmarking tool. We designed a
client that emulates users behavior for variours workload patterns and
provides statistics.
- http://jakarta.apache.org/jmeter/ - JMeter
- Apache JMeter is a 100% pure Java desktop application designed to
load test functional behavior and measure performance. It was
originally designed for testing Web Applications but has since expanded
to other test functions.
- http://cs.allegheny.edu:8080/gkapfham/6 - Joshua
- Joshua uses Jini and JavaSpaces to build upon the JUnit Test
Automation Framework and create a simple and efficient test
distribution mechanism.
- http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/latka/ - Latka
- Latka is a functional (end-to-end) testing tool. It is implemented in
Java, and uses an XML syntax to define a series of HTTP (or HTTPS)
requests and a set of validations used to verify that the request was
processed correctly.
- http://atomicobject.com/haste/info.page - Haste
- Haste (High-level Automated System Test Environment) represents an
approach to system testing that is philosophically consistent with
standard XP unit testing practices. Test code runs in the same address
space as the application under test, allowing for ready examination of
application state. The fundamental Haste abstractions of Story, Step,
and StoryBook provide a framework to implement system tests.
- http://www.slamd.com/ - SLAMD
- SLAMD was originally developed for the purpose of benchmarking and
analyzing the performance of LDAP directory servers, and it is the most
powerful and flexible tool available for this task. It includes tools
for recording and playing back TCP traffic, and a utility for
intercepting LDAP communication and writing it as a script that may be
executed in the SLAMD scripting engine. It has an embedded scripting
engine that can be used to stress applications using protocols like
LDAP, HTTP, SMTP, IMAP, and POP and any database that supports JDBC.
- http://jsystemtest.sourceforge.net/ - JSystem
- JSystem is a framework for writing and running automated tests, based
on JUnit. Its main goal is to support automation of functional and
system testing.
- http://jcrawler.sourceforge.net/ - JCrawler
- JCrawler is a Stress-Testing Tool for web-applications. It comes with
the crawling/exploratory feature. You can give JCrawler a set of
starting URLs and it will begin crawling from that point onwards, going
through any URLs it can find on its way and generating load on the web
application. The load parameters (hits/sec) are configurable.
- http://javapathfinder.sourceforge.net/ - Java PathFinder
- Out of the box, JPF can search for deadlocks and unhandled exceptions
(e.g. NullPointerExceptions and AssertionErrors), but the user can
provide own property classes, or write listener-extensions to implement
other property checks (like race conditions). It is the first NASA
program to be actively developed and hosted on SourceForge.
- http://www.uispec4j.org/ - UISpec4J
- UISpec4J is an Open Source functional and/or unit testing library for
Swing-based Java applications, built on top of the JUnit test harness.
If you are writing a Swing application, you will appreciate UISpec4J
above all for its simplicity: UISpec4J's APIs are designed to hide as
much as possible the complexity of Swing, resulting in easy to write
and easy to read test scripts. This is especially true when comparing
UISpec4J tests with those produced using Swing or low-level,
event-based testing libraries.
- http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/ - Cobertura
- Cobertura is a free Java tool that calculates the percentage of code
accessed by tests. It can be used to identify which parts of your Java
program are lacking test coverage. It is based on jcoverage.
Instruments Java bytecode after it has been compiled. Generates reports
in HTML or XML. Shows percent of lines coveraged and branches
coveraged. Shows the McCabe cyclomatic code complexity. Can sort HTML
results by class name, percent of lines covered, percent of branches
covered, etc. And can sort in ascending or decending order.
- http://slimdog.jzonic.org/ - Slimdog
- SlimDog offers a simple script based webapplication testing tool. It
is based on httpunit. The tool offers a wide range of commands to work
with forms, check the content of tables and navigation between HTML
pages. Rather than writing long JUnit testcases or crucial XML files
the users can write simple text scripts. he results are written either
to the console, a file or as a HTML page.
- http://csdl.ics.hawaii.edu/Tools/JBlanket/ - JBlanket
- Blanket is a method coverage tool for stand-alone and client-server
Java programs. It modifies the byte code in specified class and JAR
files so that method type signatures are recorded when the methods are
invoked during the execution of JUnit test cases. JBlanket automates
support for test quality assurance in a manner consistent with Agile
programming practices.
- http://www.spikesource.com/projects/testgen4j/ - TestGen4J
- TestGen4J is a collection of tools that automatically generates unit
test cases. TestGen4J automatically generates test cases from your own
Java class files, or source files. Its primary focus is to exercise
boundary value testing of the arguments passed to the method. It uses a
rules engine, with a user-configurable XML file, that defines boundary
conditions for the data types.
http://jemmy.netbeans.org/ - Jemmy
- Jemmy is a library that is used to create automated tests for
Swing/AWT GUI applications. It contains methods to reproduce all user
actions which can be performed on Swing/AWT components (i.e. button
pushing, text typing, tree node expanding, ...). It can be effective
for automating demos to show how an application works. Jemmy is a
NetBeans independent module, that can be used separately as well as
together with the NetBeans IDE.
- http://sahi.sourceforge.net/ - Sahi - Sahi is an automation and testing tool for web applications, with the facility to record and playback scripts.
Developed in java and javascript, this tool uses simple javascript to execute events on the browser.
Features include, in-browser controls, text based scripts, ant support for playback of suites of tests,
and multi threaded playback. Sahi runs as a proxy server and the browser needs to use the sahi server as its proxy.
Sahi then injects javascript so that it can access elements in the webpage.
- http://www.openqa.org/floyd/ - Floyd
- A Java library intended to make the automated testing of web
applications easier. Provides full control of standard web browsers
such as Mozilla and Internet Explorer to normal Java unit tests. The
interaction with the browser and any loaded web pages is achieved via
calls to Floyd's Java API. This allows to simulate user interaction
with a real live web browser.
- http://watij.xwiki.com/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome - Watij
- Watij (pronounced wattage) stands for Web Application Testing in
Java. Based on the simplicity of Watir and enhanced by the power of
Java, Watij automates functional testing of web applications through
the real browser. Currently Watij supports automating Internet Explorer
on Windows only however with a future plan to support Mozilla. Watij
supports XPath expressions for finding HTML elements on a page. Watij
also manages popup browser windows.
- http://www.ivalidator.org/ - iValidator
- iValidator is a framework for XML-based test automation of complex
test scenarios. The central feature of iValidator is the flexible
descriptive control of complex test scenarios. Using XML you can also
describe test cases, combine them into test suites and control the flow
of the test suites