Software Testing-Requirements Traceability Matrix
What is the need for Requirements Traceability Matrix?
Automation requirement in an organization initiates it to go for a
custom built Software. The client who had ordered for the product
specifies his requirements to the development Team and the process of
Software Development gets started. In addition to the requirements
specified by the client, the development team may also propose various
value added suggestions that could be added on to the software. But
maintaining a track of all the requirements specified in the
requirement document and checking whether all the requirements have
been met by the end product is a cumbersome and a laborious process.
But if high priority is not provided to this aspect of Software
development cycle, it may result in a lot of confusion and arguments
between the development team and the client once the product is built.
The remedy for this problem is the Traceability Matrix.
What is Traceability Matrix?
Requirements tracing is the process of documenting the links between
the user requirements for the system you�re building and the work
products developed to implement and verify those requirements. These
work products include Software requirements, design specifications,
Software code, test plans and other artifacts of the systems
development process. Requirements tracing helps the project team to
understand which parts of the design and code implement the user�s
requirements, and which tests are necessary to verify that the user�s
requirements have been implemented correctly.
Requirements Traceability Matrix Document is the output of Requirements Management phase of SDLC.
The Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM) captures the complete user
and system requirements for the system, or a portion of the system. The
RTM captures all requirements and their traceability in a single
document, and is a mandatory deliverable at the conclusion of the
The RTM is used to record the relationship of the requirements to
the design, development, testing and release of the software as the
requirements are allocated to a specific release of the software.
Changes to the requirements are also recorded and tracked in the RTM.
The RTM is maintained throughout the lifecycle of the release, and is
reviewed and baselined at the end of the release.
It is very useful document to track Time, Change Management and Risk Management in the Software Development.
Here I am providing the sample template of Requirement Traceability
Matrix, which gives detailed idea of the importance of RTM in SDLC.
The RTM Template shows the Mapping between the actual Requirement and User Requirement/System Requirement.
changes that happens after the system has been built we can trace the
impact of the change on the Application through RTM Matrix. This is
also the mapping between actual Requirement and Design Specification.
This helps us in tracing the changes that may happen with respect to
the Design Document during the Development process of the application.
Here we will give specific Document unique ID, which is associated with
that particular requirement to easily trace that particular document.
In any case, if you want to change the Requirement in future then you
can use the RTM to make the respective changes and you can easily judge
how many associated test scripts will be changing.
Requirements Traceability Matrix Template Instructions:
This document presents the requirements traceability matrix (RTM) for
the Project Name [workspace/workgroup] and provides traceability
between the [workspace/workgroup] approved requirements, design
specifications, and test scripts.
The table below displays the RTM for the requirements that were
approved for inclusion in [Application Name/Version]. The following
information is provided for each requirement:
1. Requirement ID
2. Risks
3. Requirement Type (User or System)
4. Requirement Description
5. Trace to User Requirement/Trace From System Requirement
6. Trace to Design Specification
7. UT * Unit Test Cases
8. IT * Integration Test Cases
9. ST * System Test Cases
10. UAT * User Acceptance Test Cases
11. Trace to Test Script
The following is the sample Template of Requirements Traceability Matrix.

Disadvantages of not using Traceability Matrix
What happens if the Traceability factor is not considered while developing the software?
a) The system that is built may not have the necessary functionality to meet the customers and users needs and expectations
b) If there are modifications in the design specifications, there is no means of tracking the changes
c) If there is no mapping of test cases to the requirements, it may result in missing a major defect in the system
d) The completed system may have �Extra� functionality that may have
not been specified in the design specification , resulting in wastage
of manpower, time and effort.
e) If the code component that constitutes the customer�s high priority
requirements is not known, then the areas that need to be worked first
may not be known thereby decreasing the chances of shipping a useful
product on schedule
f) A seemingly simple request might involve changes to several parts of
the system and if proper Traceability process is not followed, the
evaluation of the work that may be needed to satisfy the request may
not be correctly evaluated
Where can a Traceability Matrix be used?
Is the Traceability Matrix applicable only for big projects?
The Traceability Matrix is an essential part of any Software
development process, and hence irrespective of the size of the project,
whenever there is a requirement to build a Software this concept comes
into focus.
The biggest advantage of Traceability Matrix is backward and forward
traceability. (i.e) At any point of time in the development life cycle
the status of the project and the modules that have been tested could
be easily determined thereby reducing the possibility of speculations
about the status of the project.
Developing a Traceability Matrix
How is the Traceability Matrix developed?
In the design document, if there is a Design description A, which can
be traced back to the Requirement Specification A, implying that the
design A takes care of Requirement A. Similarly in the test plan, Test
Case A takes care of testing the Design A, which in turn takes care of
Requirement A and so on.

There has to be references from Design document back to Requirement document, from Test plan back to Design document and so on.
Usually Unit test cases will have Traceability to Design
Specification and System test cases /Acceptance Test cases will have
Traceability to Requirement Specification. This helps to ensure that no
requirement is left uncovered (either un-designed / un-tested).
Requirements Traceability enhances project control and quality. It
is a process of documenting the links between user requirements for a
system and the work products developed to implement and verify those
requirements. It is a technique to support an objective of requirements
management, to make certain that the application will meet end-users