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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: What should I not Automate
    Posted: 18Oct2007 at 5:32am
What should I not Automate

For all applications, there are going to be tests that just cannot be automated. You just need to define these tests as soon as possible before sitting down to automate them.  Not doing this leads to finding out days or weeks later that it might be easier and more efficient in the end to test manually than it would to develop and maintain the code to automate the test.  This influences the schedule and in some cases the morale of the person trying to automate.  Automate everything you can as long as it makes sense to automate

An example of this would be a test case for checking the different cursor states.  Like when you select system menu size and the default cursor is changed to directional cursor.  The requirement is to check the directional cursor appearance.

From the brief description of the test, it seems that this test case may not lend itself to an automated test case.  One question that always needs to be asked before the automation of manual test cases is if the test lends itself to the automation.  To automate something at this level of difficulty, as in verifying all the available cursor states on an application, will most likely be a large time investment.  With the time investment in mind, you probably will not get a ROI by running the automated test case in a reasonable period to truly make it worth the effort of automation.

High maintenance costs is one indicator that a test should be done manually.  Another is the need for human judgment to assess the correctness of the result or extensive, ongoing human intervention to keep the test running.  For these reasons, the following tests are a good fit for manual testing:

•Installation, setup, operations, and maintenance - In many cases, these tests involve loading CD-ROMs and tapes, changing hardware and other ongoing handholding by the tester.

•Configuration and compatibility - Like operations and maintenance testing, these tests require reconfiguring systems and networks, installing software and hardware; all requiring human intervention.

•Error handling and recovery - Again, the need to force errors—by powering off a server, for example—means that people must stay engaged during test execution.

•Localization - Only a human tester with appropriate skills can decide whether a translation makes sense or not, is culturally offensive, or is otherwise inappropriate.  (Currency, date, and time testing can be automated, but the need to rerun these tests for regression is limited).

•Usability - As with localization, human judgment is needed to check for problems with the facility, simplicity and elegance of the user interface and workflows.

•Documentation and help - Like usability and localization, checking documentation requires human judgment.

Typically, there is no return on investment in trying to automate these kinds of tests.

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