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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: Write Steps for Selected Use Cases !!!
    Posted: 29Oct2007 at 5:15am
Write Steps for Selected Use Cases

Now it is time for the main event: actually writing the use case steps. This is a task that you can expect to take ten to forty-five minutes for each use case. That might average out to only about ten use cases in a typical work day. Again, you must be selective to get the most value in return for your limited available time.

Focus on use cases that seem most likely to affect the success of the project. For example, select use cases that:

    * Enable users to achieve the key benefits claimed for your product
    * Determine a user's first impression of the product
    * Challenge the user's knowledge or abilities
    * Affect workflows that involve multiple users
    * Explain the usage of novel or difficult-to-use features

Each use case should show a straightforward example of the user succeeding at a goal. The steps in a use case are almost always a linear sequence. You should not use programming constructs such as if-statements or loops, if at all possible. Rather than use conditional statements, use an extension point to describe any type of failure or error condition.

Each use case step has two parts: a user intention and system response:

User Intention
    The user intention is a phrase describing what the user intends to do in that step. Typical steps involve accessing information, providing input, or initiating commands. Usually the user intent clearly implies a UI action. For example, if I intend to save a file, then I could probably press Control-S. However, "press Control-S" is not written in use cases. In general, you should try not to mention specific UI details: they are too low-level and may change later.
System Response
    The system response is a phrase describing the user-visible part of the system's reaction to the user's action. As above, it is best not to mention specific details that may change later. For example, the system's response to the user saving a file might be "Report filename that was saved". The system response should not describe an internal action. For example, it may be true that the system will "Update database record", but unless that is something that the user can immediately see, it is not relevant to the use case.

Use case steps can be written in either two-column or one-column format. The two-column format forces every step to include an explicit user intention and system response. The one-column format gives you more flexibility to skip system responses that are obvious, and to handle multiple actors interacting with the system in one use case.

Recall that one of the advantages of writing use cases is that it forces you to clearly think through the details of the system. Capture your insights by writing notes and questions as you go. If a use case step reminds you of a specific requirement in a system feature, make a note of it in the corresponding feature specification.

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