- Performance Test Recording: QEngine
performance testing tool provides an easy to use browser-based
recording to capture HTTP/HTTPS requests including AJAX requests.
- Flexible User Scenarios: To emulate the load test of real-user activities, an easy, complete and customizable building of user scenarios are provided.
- Real-world Performance Testing: Real-world web load testing allows you to dynamically vary the number of virtual users hitting your web applications/web sites to study the load testing/stress testing conditions under varying load.
- Dynamic Data Replacement: Modifying the performance test scripts to reflect dynamic data requires no programming skills.
- Session Handling: Support for standard session handling
techniques, such as cookies and URL-rewriting. Option to load test your
web applications with Dynamic Session ID, by storing session from
previous response.
- Support for cookies, basic authentication, URL re-directing/SSL: Automatically
handles basic HTTP/HTTPS features such as, cookies, BASIC
authentication for password-protected sites and URL redirects.
- Parameterized Performance Tests: Parameterize URL Get/Post data or session data at runtime from cookies, previous response, previous url, by executing a Javascript or hidden elements.
- Datapools for Parameterization: To use unique data for each user in load testing/stress testing, QEngine allows creation of datapools (values from an external datasource such as Database or FLAT file).
- Configurable Think Time: Configurable
think times to perform real-world performance testing where each user
spends thinking time (wait time) before performing the next action in
the web page.
- Browser Simulation: Support for simulating exact browser behavior (MSIE, Firefox and Mozilla simulation).
- Random Delay: Random Delay for Virtual user start to simulate user visit to the web site/web application in irregular intervals.
- Bandwidth Simulation: Option to emulate different network speeds during playback.
- IP Spoofing: IP Spoofing support to simulate unique IP address for each user in web application load testing.
- Server Performance Monitors: Load test your web sites/web applications with integrated monitoring of server machine's system resources (cpu % and memory usage).
- Database Monitors: Load test your web sites/web applications with integrated monitoring of databases such as MySQL or Oracle to collect the database parameters.
- Configurable Playback Options: Wide range of play options that affects the playback of load test scripts.
- Compressed server response (gzip, deflate): QEngine performance testing provides the ability to test web servers that use compressed server response (gzip, deflate).
- Quick Host Change: Option to run against different hosts without re-recording the web load test scripts.
- Proxy Support: Peformance testing can be done through proxy servers, supporting authentication and proxy exclusions for local networks.
- Distributed Load Testing:
Option to simulate thousands of simultaneous users working from a
single machine or distributed on multiple machines. Centralized
coordination and reporting of distributed load testing results.
- Batch Testing: Provision to execute performance test suites from batch files or using scheduling utilities.
- Response Validation: Extensive built-in functions for response validation. Response Validation report shows the success and failures to make sure you get right response while performing the web load testing.
- Export Reports: Provision to export reports to Excel for further processing of your load test results.
- Comprehensive Reports: Load test reports
summarizes the key results such as response time, throughput, hits,
number of users simulated, error percentage, etc to identify potential
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