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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: Wipro Technologies Placement paper(2007/08)
    Posted: 21Feb2008 at 2:41am
paper 1

Within 30 minutes 45 questions were to be answered.
It carefully there was no negative marking.

[1] Jumble sentences are given; order the sentences to make a meaningful paragraph
[2] Sentences are given, order the sentences to make conclusion that follows from the options given (Say 5 sentences are given out of which 2 are causes and rest is result, like fallacy in logic).
[3] Analogies.
[4] Opposite meaning.
[5] Point out the error in a given sentence.
[6] C (Follow ‘Test your C skills ‘).
[7] Data Structure.
[8] Operating System.
[9] Network.
[10] Puzzles (1-2), Critical reasoning (1-2).

We can not remember all the questions exactly as time was very short .Here are some of the questions (Not in order).

1. A topic on Gandhiji’s Salt Satyagrah Movement
Four sentences were given and you have to arrange them to make a paragraph.
Ans. CABD (Check it out).

2. What can’t be changed by the user program (Four choices were there).
Ans. Memory Map (Check it out).
3. In which layer ROUTING is performed ?
Ans. Network Layer
4. What is the output of the following code snippet

Ans. mile
5. What is the output
Int count=10,sum=0,*temp;
Sum=? &count;( It was actually given temp=? &count; which is probably wrong)
Printf(“sum=%d count= %d temp=%d “,sum,count,*temp);

Ans. C (most expected answer ,check it)

6. Which one has no L-Value
[ii] i
[iii] 2
[iv] *(a+i)
Ans . [iii]

6. In threaded binary for which traversal orders unused left and right links are used?
7. Which is false for binary tree?
Any node should have two children.
[iii] At fourth level the number of node should be less than 16.
8. Which is true for binary search?
Traversal scheme
[iii]Greedy algorithm
[iv] Divide and conquer algorithm
Ans. [iv]

9. What is the protocol used for getting the physical address by supplying IP address of a node?
[ii] RARP
[iii] BOOTP
[iv] DHCP

10.If DELHI is coded as CCIDD then how BOMBAY will be coded?
11.Opposite meaning of SPUR.
12.Opposite of HARBINGER .
Ans. Follower
13.Opposite meaning of PROTRUSION.
14. Opposite meaning of RESTIVENESS.

15.Find the odd one in a given analogy
Ans. Mundane.
16 . Find the analogy : SURPRISE : EXCLAMATION
Ans. Dismay:groan.

17) Find the analogy : Plateau : Taxonomy.

18)Question from congestion control topic:
Ans: source quench.

19) Question from kernel mode:
Ans: Disable Interrupts.

20) which one is a page replacement algorithm.
[iii]Least recently used.
[iv]All of above.

21)Using two numbers And interchanging + and * there was a question.
Ans:(iii)(some expression=22).
22)For each hour an watch is going slow by 30 seconds.Now time is
8a.m.What will be the actual time at 8p.m.
23)Question regarding while loop.
24)Alphabetical order L,M,…(cant remember)
25)One puzzle:(I cant exactly remember this question giving brief idea of this question)there were four guys A,B,C,D. the older and younger relation is given . U have to find the age of the A.
Ans: 7 years(check it out).

26)Fallacy question: six sentences are given.


Ans: .

28)Nine people six floor. Conditions are given.(This was a very long paragraph).Peoples named like I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q.

29)A question regarding node.

30)A problem regarding age of father and son(very easy problem u can solve it).

31)Point out error in the follwing sentence:I got the book in the office and slipped it out.
I got the book.
[ii] in the.
[iii]office and .
[iv] slipped it out.
32) Point out error:(about a flowers garden)
Ans: (I can’t remember the options).answer will be “among on another”.

TIPS : Try to mug up the answers .check once more only the questions in the hall which we have pointed out by writing “check it out” with the answers.
But the other answers are correct fully. Don’t waste your time on long paragraphs.There was no negative marking.Try to solve all the departmental question.

paper 2

The test is followed by a Technical and a HR interview. The technical interview is highly specialized and covers almost all subjects you have done in your curriculum. However one is required to name his/her favorite subject on which most of the interview is focused. For Computer Engineers C, Operating Systems, DBMS, Microprocessors are mostly focused upon. Electronics Engineers can be grilled on DCLD, Microprocessors and Communications.
The HR interview which follows the technical interview is very general .In most cases questions regarding the company are asked.

The questions 41-46 are based on the following pattern. The problems below contain a question and two statements giving certain data. You have to decide whether the data given in the statements are sufficient for answering the questions .The correct answer is.

(A) If statement (I) alone is sufficient but statement (II) alone is not sufficient.
(B) If statement (II) alone is sufficient but statement (I) alone is not sufficient.
(C) If both statements together are sufficient but neither of statements alone is sufficient.
(D) If both together are not sufficient.

41. What is John’s age?
(I) In 15 years John will be twice as old as Dias would be
(II) Dias was born 5 years ago
Ans. (C)

42. What is the distance from city A to city C in kms?
(I) City A is 90 kms from City B
(II) City B is 30 kms from City C
Ans. (D)

43.Is A=C ? A,B,C are real numbers
(I) A-B=B-C
(II) A-2C = C-2B
Ans. (C)

44. What is the 30th term of a given sequence ?
(I) The first two terms of the sequence are 1,1/2
(II) The common difference is -1/2
Ans. (A)

45.Was Khizer early, on time or late for work?
(I) He thought his watch was 10 minutes fast
(II) Actually his watch was 5 minutes slow
Ans. (D)

46. What is the value of A if A is an integer?
(I) A4 = 1
(II) A3 + 1 = 0
Ans. (B)

47. A person travels 12 km in the southward direction and then travels 5km to the right and then travels 15km toward the right and finally travels 5km towards the east, how far is he from his starting place?
(a) 5.5 kms
(b) 3 km
(c) 13 km
(d) 6.4 km
Ans. (b)

48. X’s father’s wife’s father’s granddaughter uncle will be related to X as
(a) Son
(b) Nephew
(c) Uncle
(d) Grandfather
Ans. (c)

49. Find the next number in the series 1, 3 ,7 ,13 ,21 ,31
(a) 43
(b) 33
(c) 41
(d) 45
Ans. (a)

50. If in a certain code “RANGE” is coded as 12345 and “RANDOM” is coded as 123678.
Then the code for the word “MANGO” would be
(a) 82357
(b) 89343
(c) 84629
(d) 82347
Ans. (d)

51. If “PROMPT” is coded as QSPLOS ,then “PLAYER” should be
Ans. (a)

The questions 52-53 are based on the following data
6 people A,B,C,D,E and F sit around a table for dinner.Since A does not like C, he doesn’t sit either opposite or beside C.B and F always like to sit opposite each other.
52. If A is beside F then who is are the two neighbours of B?
(a) D and C
(b) E and C
(c) D and E
(d) Either (a) or (b)
Ans. (c)

53. If D is adjacent to F then who is adjacent to C?
(a) E and B
(b) D and A
(c) D and B
(d) either (a) or (c)

54. Complete the sequence A, E ,I ,M ,Q ,U , _ , _
(a) B, F
(b) Y, C
(c) G, I
(d) K, O

55. A person travels 6km towards west, then travels 5km towards north ,then finally travels
6km towards west. Where is he with respect to his starting position?
(a) 13km east
(b) 13km northeast
(c) 13km northwest
(d) 13km west
Ans. (c)

56. If A speaks the truth 80% of the times, B speaks the truth 60% of the times.
What is the probability that they tell the truth at the same time
(a) 0.8
(b) 0.48
(c) 0.6
(d) 0.14

57. If the time quantum is too large, Round Robin scheduling degenerates to
(a) Shortest Job First Scheduling
(b) Multilevel Queue Scheduling
(c) FCFS
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

58. Transponders are used for which of the following purposes
(a) Uplinking
(b) Downlinking
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

59. The format specifier “-%d” is used for which purpose in C
(a) Left justifying a string
(b) Right justifying a string
(c) Removing a string from the console
(d) Used for the scope specification of a char[] variable
Ans. (a)

60. Virtual functions allow you to
(a) Create an array of type pointer-to-base-class that can hold pointers to derived classes
(b) Create functions that have no body
(c) Group objects of different classes so they can all be accessed by the same function code
(d) Use the same function call to execute member functions to objects from different classes

62. A sorting algorithm which can prove to be a best time algorithm in one case
and a worst time algorithm in worst case is
(a) Quick Sort
(b) Heap Sort
(c) Merge Sort
(d) Insert Sort
Ans. (a)

63. What details should never be found in the top level of a top-down design?
(a) Details
(b) Coding
(c) Decisions
(d) None of the above
Ans. (c)

64. In an absolute loading scheme, which loader function is accomplished by assembler
(a) Reallocation
(b) Allocation
(c) Linking
(d) Both (a) and (b)
Ans. (d)

65. Banker’s algorithm for resource allocation deals with
(a) Deadlock prevention
(b) Deadlock avoidance
(c) Deadlock recovery
(d) None of these
Ans. (b)

66. Thrashing can be avoided if
(a) The pages, belonging to the working set of the programs, are in main memory
(b) The speed of CPU is increased
(c) The speed of I/O processor are increased
(d) All of the above
Ans. (a)

67. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications?
(a) Narrowband channels
(b) Simplex channels
(c) Full-duplex channels
(d) Mixedband channels
Ans. (b)

68. A feasibility document should contain all of the following except
(a) Project name
(b) Problem descriptions
(c) Feasible alternative
(d) Data flow diagrams
Ans. (d)

69. What is the main function of a data link content monitor?
(a) To detect problems in protocols
(b) To determine the type of transmission used in a data link
(c) To determine the type of switching used in a data link
(d) To determine the flow of data
Ans. (a)

70. Which of the following is a broadband communications channel?
(a) Coaxial cable
(b) Fiber optic cable
(c) Microwave circuits
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

71. Which of the following memories has the shortest access time?
(a) Cache memory
(b) Magnetic bubble memory
(c) Magnetic core memory
(d) RAM
Ans. (a)
72. A shift register can be used for
(a) Parallel to serial conversion
(b) Serial to parallel conversion
(c) Digital delay line
(d) All the above
Ans. (d)

73. In which of the following page replacement policies, Balady’s anomaly occurs?
(a) FIFO
(b) LRU
(c) LFU
(d) NRU
Ans. (a)

74. Subschema can be used to
(a) Create very different, personalized views of the same data
(b) Present information in different formats
(c) Hide sensitive information by omitting fields from the sub-schema’s description
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d)

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