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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: L & T Infotech Placement Paper(2007/08)
    Posted: 21Feb2008 at 2:01am
Paper 1

Over all process

1. Aptitude ( 30 Q quant + 30 Q reasoning + 30 Q verbal)

2. GD

3. HR interview


· In aptitude test they will give 3 set of question paper A B C book lets with different color Blue white yellow I think so… I got yellow booklet. Each book let have different question so nothing cant be done..

· Then they will give OMR sheet to fill the answer use pencil to fill(Be safe )

· 2 rough sheet will be given ( they wont see that and all)

· If you are strong in any of the three parts do it first eg: I am strong in reasoning I do that first….

· Time management is very important

· The question paper is some what easy for me

· In verbal do the comprehension first all direct question….easy to answer

If you want to clear the Aptitude you want to satisfy both section cut off and over all cut off… in our test they had told that it’s around 60 mark (I AM NOT SURE)


boat sum
time and work
number system
some multiplication problem
ratio and prop
profit and loss
chain rule

And some topic… (R.S Agarwal is more than enough.. ok)


Assumption based,
conclusion based,
Venn diagrams,
Blood Relations
find the next series on the figure
count the triangle and square
family based problem
A+B means A is sister of B. A-B means A is father if B like that…

And some topic… (R.S Agarwal non verbal book is more than enough.)


find the error
fill in the blanks in suitable words
comprehension ( very easy do it first)
antonyms ( I don’t know both I marked with fluke )

So there where more than 450 students attended finally 105 was cleared the first round

Group discussion

Before going to call they will split the student in to groups (15 in each group) Total 105 comes- 7 groups
I was in 5th group
My topic is… is education value decreasing due the opening of private colleges…
2 min is given for our preparation so you can gather points and make it note
At last every one will given chance for conclusion make you of it
Don’t forget to take notes

Let’s take abt my experience

We are called for GD around 2 30 PM…I was not taken any good lunch…They provide ID card my number is 13…Topic given……2 min over…Our GD person asks us to start…That’s all our GD room become fish market…

More then 12 among us started at the same moment…I get tensed…A guy from KSR had initiated…

I had waited for 6 to start in GD because my lucky no is 6

5 finished… I tried to start next… I can’t…6 gone 7th gone 8th gone……… 12th gone and at the last 13th also gone…

I was very tensed…. Then I raised my voice…. every one stopped…I spoke for 30 to 40 seconds… That’s all

Then I tried to contribute some more point in between the discussion… but I can’t

15 min over… sir asked to stop… (At the moment I think I am the one of the person who is going to eliminate)

Then comes conclusion part. Sir asked to conclude the section… He gave the chance to every one and asked then to conclude…

Again the Number played in my life….

He asked 1st person and then 2nd person then came to 14th and 15th person… Then he again switches over to 3rd person to 12th person…

The remaining one number is 13 my num… It’s my turn…

I came forward to conclude… At the time a shock came… Sir asked us to leave the room…. A great shock came to me…

I was totals upset with GD…(I confirmed that I was eliminated)

But my friends cooled me and we were waiting for GD result…

In 5th batch totally 7 was short listed… Again shocking news…. My name is also there…In that moment I was speech less…

In GD don’t consider the others… Do your job… Please give the Valuable point… it is more than enough

paper 2

The selection procedure has 3 rounds..
1. Aptitude test
2. JAM (Just A Minute) or GD.
3. Technical cum HR Interview…

Aptitude test has 3 sections…
A. Aptitude(30 Q)
B. Reasoning(30 Q)
C. Verbal(30 Q)

Questions i remember..

1.blood relations (3-4 Q)
a….means brother,- means sister,* means mother,/ means father….
b…father age is 3 times age of son and 10 yrs hence father is 5 times sons age.find father a.d sons ages….

2.coding and decoding(4 Q)
a.te ka se means ravi is black, ta ka su means mohan is brown, su ka te means brown is black. which word represent black, brown..etc…
b.number coding….

3.series of figures(5 Q)

4.gave figures,,,we have to fing no. of straight lines and no of squares and triangles////(2 Q)

5.time and work(1 Q) 3 men can dig 3 trrenches in 5 many r required to dig 5 trenches in 5 days(they work for 8 hours)…

6.direction travelling(1 Q) a man started at A.he went 10m west…then turned his left n went 6m…find his distance from starting pt. chart(5 Q) they gave a company’s expenditure and income for 5 years in the form of a graph…..we need to find
a.high profit earned year
b.% growth in profit b/n 2 yrs
c.avg income nad expenditure for all the info. given.

8.they gave some 4-line paragraph and gave some statements and asked if they can be infrred form the paragraph.. (4 Q)

9.same as 9(4 Q)

10.puzzle test (2 Q)

11.statement-conclusions(3-5 Q)

12.verbal:: passage Questions (5 Q), synnonyms(4 Q), antonyms(4 Q),analogy(3 Q), fill in the blanks(4 Q), error correction (5 Q)…very easy

Among all the sections reasoning is easy (in most of the cases), then verbal and then aptitude,..

CAUTION: be careful at TIME mgmt. otherwise u will end in troubles… as the incvigilation in the hands of company members, be careful while helping others and here is a point of much importance.. there r 3 sets PINK, YELLOW and some other one….

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