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Quote Mithi25 Replybullet Topic: ExplainTestObjectModel,TestObject & RunTimeObject?
    Posted: 18Aug2009 at 7:06am

Explain Test object Model, test object and run-time object ?

Test object Model is a set of object types or Classes that QuickTest uses to represents the objects in our application

A test object class comprises of a list of properties that can individually (uniquely) identify objects of that class and a set of appropriate methods that QuickTest can record for it.A test object is an object that QuickTest creates in the test to correspond to (represent) the actual object in the application. QuickTest uses the stored information about the object during the run session to identify and check the object.

A run-time object is the real (actual) object in the application or website on which methods are performed during the run session.

Properties and methods of objects:

The property set for each test object is created and maintained by QuickTest. The property set for each run-time object is created and maintained by the object architect (creator) (microsoft for Internet Explorer objects, Netscape for Netscape objects).

Similarly, methods of test objects are methods that QuickTest recognizes and records when they are executed (performed) on an object while we are recording, and that QuickTest executes when the test or component runs. Methods of Run-time object are the methods of the object in the application as defined by the object architect (creator). We can access and execute run-time object methods using the Object property.

Some important points to remember about methods and properties :
  • Each test object method we execute (perform) while recording is recorded as a separate step in the test. When we run the test, QuickTest executes (performs) the recorded test object method on the run-time object.
  • Properties of test object are captured from object while recording. QuickTest uses the values of these properties to identify runtime objects in the application during a run session.
  • Property values of objects in the application may change .To make the test object property values match the property values of the run-time object, we can modify test object properties manually while designing the test or component or using SetTOProperty statements during a run session. We can also use regular expressions to identify property values.
  • We can view or modify the test object property values that are stored with the test or component in the Object Properties or Object Repository dialog box.
  • We can view the syntax of the test object methods as well as the run-time methods of any object on our dekstop using the Methods tab of the Object Spy.
  • We can retrieve or modify property values of the TEST OBJECT during the run session by adding GetTOProperty and SetTOProperty statements in the Keyword View or Expert View. We can retrieve property values of the RUNTIME OBJECT during the run session by adding GetROProperty statements.

If the available test object methods or properties for an object are not sufficient or they do not provide the functionality we need, we can access the internal methods and properties of any run-time object using the Object property. We can also use the attribute object property to identify Web objects in the application according to user-defined properties.

Edited by Mithi25 - 18Aug2009 at 7:07am

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