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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: How Usability Test Is Carried Out?
    Posted: 26Oct2007 at 6:04am
Usability test, as mentioned above is an in-house dummy release before the actual release of the system to the intended/end user. Hence, a setup is required in which developer and testers try to replicate situations as realistic as possible to project the real time usage of the system. The testers try to use the system in exactly the same manner that any end user can/will do. Please note that, in this type of testing also, all the standard instruction of testing are followed to make it sure that the testing is done in all the directions such as functional testing, system integration testing, unit testing etc.

The outcome/feedback is noted down based on observations of how the user is using the system and what are all the possible ways that also may come into picture, and also based on the behavior of the system and how easy/hard it is for the user to operate/use the system. User is also asked for his/her feedback based on what he/she thinks should be changed to improve the user interaction between the system and the end user.

Usability testing measures various aspects such as:
How much time the tester/user and system took to complete basic flow?
How much time people take to understand the system (per object) and how many mistakes they make while performing any process/flow of operation?
How fast the user becomes familiar with the system and how fast he/she can recall the system’s functions?
And the most important: how people feel when they are using the system?

Over the time period, many people have formulated various measures and models for performing usability testing. Any of the models can be used to perform the test.

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