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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: Web Test tools
    Posted: 31Oct2007 at 4:08am
Thousands of software testing tools and technologies are available in the todays market, thus helps organizations to make their software systems more reliable, enhanced and efficient.
Some important load and performance test tools with respect to the web applications are listed in this article. Their core features are also included to get familiar with their capabilities.

Load and performance test tools

This tool is an open source tool written in ‘C’. It is useful to test the load and behavior of large number of Ftp/Ftps and Http/Https clients, each with its own source IP-address. Curl-Loader uses the real c-written client protocol stacks like HTTP and FTP stacks of libcurl and TSL/SSL of openssl. Activities for each virtual client is logged, all the logged data includes the following information: resolving, connection establishment, sending of requests, receiving responses, headers and data received/sent, errors from network, TLS/SSL and application (HTTP, FTP) level events and errors.

OpNet LoadScaler:
It is a load test tool presented by OpNet Technologies. It performed some useful functions like Create tests without programming; generate loads against web applications, and other services including Web Services, FTP, and Email. Record end-user browser activity in the OPNET TestCreatorTM authoring environment to automatically generate test scripts in industry-standard JavaScript. Modify, extend and debug tests with the included JavaScript editor. Alternatively, drag and drop icons onto the test script tree. No knowledge of a scripting language is required to customize test scripts.

Stress Tester:
It is a load and performance testing tool for web applications. Advanced user journey modeling, scalable load, system resources monitors and results analysis. No scripting required. Suitable for any Web, JMS, IP or SQL Application. OS independent.

Proxy Sniffer:
It is a stress and load testing tool having some nice features.
. HTTP/S Web Session Recorder that can be used with any web browser.
. Recordings can then be used to automatically create optimized Java-based load test programs.
. Automatic protection from "false positive" results by examining actual web page content.
. Detailed Error Analysis using saved error snapshots and real-time statistics.

Testing master:
Testing master is a strong load testing tool which has the following characteristics.
. IP spoofing
. Multiple simultaneous test cases
. Website testing features for sites with dynamic content and secure HTTPS pages

It is a web load testing tool with user friendly graphical interface and can design complex cases to handle real world applications. It has the following list of features:
. Data replacement
. Data extraction and SOAP support
. System monitoring (Windows, Linux, IIS, Apache, Web Logic, Web sphere...)
. SSL recording
. PDF/HTML/Word reporting
. IP spoofing
. It is multi platform and can run on Windows, Linux, and Solaris

This tool is used for web load testing, it has the following characteristics
. Cookies are managed natively
. Shorten the script modeling stage
. HTML and XML parser
. Option of developing custom monitors using supplied APIs
. Allowing display and retrieval of any element from a HTML page or an XML flux in test scripts

A very strong testing tool equipped with some modern day technologies. It has the following capabilities:
. Rather than simulating the browsers tt directly drives multiple instances of MSIE
. It supports browser side scripts along with HTTP 1.0/1.1, HTTPS, cookies, cache, and Windows authentication
. Data can be taken from text files or custom ODBC data source and passed to the tests, for individual userID, password, page to start, think times, data to enter, links to click, cache, initial cache state

Site Tester1:
It is a load testing tool which require JDK1.2 or higher to run. Its functions includes HTTP1.0/1.1 compatible requests, POST/GET methods, cookies, running in multi-threaded or single-threaded mode, definition of requests, jobs, procedures and tests, keeps and reads XML formatted files for test definitions and test logs, generates various reports in HTML format

Microsoft WCAT load test tool:
A very efficient tool from Microsoft Corporation which is responsible for the load testing of Internet Information services (IIS) servers.

WebPerformance Load Tester:
It is a load tester having some attractive features listed below:
. It supports all browsers and web servers.
. Records and allows viewing of exact bytes flowing between browser and server
. No scripting required.
. Modem simulation allows each virtual user to be bandwidth limited.
. It can automatically handle variations in session-specific items such as cookies, usernames, passwords, IP addresses, and any other parameter to simulate multiple virtual users
. It can be used on Windows, Linux, UNIX and Solaris platforms.

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