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Quote vidhya Replybullet Topic: VoiceXML
    Posted: 29Mar2007 at 1:52am
What is VoiceXML?

VoiceXML (VXML) is the W3C's standard XML format for specifying interactive voice dialogues between a human and a computer. It is fully analogous to HTML, and brings the same advantages of web application development and deployment to voice applications that HTML brings to visual applications. Just as HTML documents are interpreted by a visual web browser, VoiceXML documents are interpreted by a voice browser.

VoiceXMLâ„¢ - Based on the World Wide Web Consortium's industry-standard extensible Markup Language (XML), VoiceXMLâ„¢ provides a high-level programming interface to speech and telephony resources for application developers, service providers and equipment manufacturers. As such, the language follows all of the syntactic rules of XML with semantics that support the creation of interactive speech applications.

VoiceXML is an open standard that allows developers to produce inter-operable voice applications

What is a fully qualified domain name (FQDN)?

A fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is the complete domain name for a specific computer, or host, on the Internet.The FQDN consists of two parts: the hostname and the domain name. For example, is the FQDN for the email server on Steel at Indiana University Bloomington. The hostname is steel, which is located within the domain

In this example, .edu is the top-level domain (TLD). This is similar to the root directory on a typical workstation, where all other directories (or folders) originate. Within the .edu TLD, IUB has been assigned the subdomain, and has authority to create other subdomains within it. Hence, ucs is a subdomain of, and steel is a host located in the domain.

The same applies to web addresses. For example, is the FQDN on the web for Indiana University. In this case, www is the host in the domain.

When connecting to a host, such as Steel, using an SSH client or some other program, you must specify the FQDN. The DNS server then resolves the hostname (Steel) to its IP address ( to by looking at its DNS table. The host (Steel in this case) is contacted and you receive a login prompt.

If you are using only the hostname (without the domain information) to connect to a server, the application you're using may not be able to resolve the hostname. This can happen if either the DNS suffix search order in your computer's TCP/IP properties is incorrect, or the DNS table is corrupted. In these cases, entering the host's FQDN will allow DNS to locate the server. Also, if you are trying to connect to a remote host that is not local to your Internet service provider (ISP), you will probably have to use the FQDN. For example, a DNS server at IU would be quite unlikely to have a listing for remote hosts at another university or an unrelated ISP.
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