This article describes some Quick Facts about TestDirector.
Some Quick Facts about TestDirector
- Streamlines the quality management process
- Controls the testing process
- Is browser based
- Provides project management decision support
How it works:
- Manages quality analysis focus areas
- Works with functional and business process testing tools
Requirements Management
- Helps measure the application against business needs
Decision support Percentage completion - Links test cases to the functional requirements
- Provides requirements to test traceability
Planning Tests
- Allows creation of test plans
- Supports both manual and automated tests
- Supports transition from manual tests to automated tests
- Maintains all test planning information in a central repository
Test Scheduling
- Tests can run un-attended. Dependencies between tests
- Realize real life business scenarios
- Provides work area for storing results
- Supports variety of result statuses for test runs. Passed, Failed, Not Completed
Defect Management
- Allows registry of defects.Submitter, Assignee, Impact, Severity and Tracking options
- Can provide statistical information on defects
- Supports the defect life-cycle from initial detection to verification of the fix
- Checks for duplicate defects and eliminates manual examination

- Reports for : Requirements, Test cases, Test results
- Graphs and reports help analyze data, are highly customizable
- Helps quick release assessment
- Can help decisions on application status
Additional Features:
- Works with other Mercury Quality Center applications
- Winrunner
- QuickTest Professional
- Automated test cases for SOA services
- Works with Service Test Management and Quality Center