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Quote Mithi25 Replybullet Topic: Automatic Testing
    Posted: 13Sep2009 at 11:51pm
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Automatic Testing

Automated test generation consists of computing a set of experiments/scenarios/test cases which can be used to determine wheter the implementation behaves correctly. Test execution consists of  applying the experiment to the implementation, i.e. supplying inputs and checking the outputs. Ideally, testing is completely automatic after the specification has been  given. 


The DSS unit has a broad expertise in specification, analysis, construction of real-time systems. We are therefore emphasizing the specific real-time problems ranging from analysis of formal specifications to realisation of systems using hardware and real-ime operating systems.  Kim's expertize is on algorithms and tools for analysis of real-time systems. Brian's is on real-time testing (phD Thesis on the subject) and construction of real-time systems. 

Within the context of automated testing we offer a wide spectrum of possible projects, ranging from the highly theoretical to the highly practical and constructive. Also a single project may consist of ingredients from each aspect.



  1. Construction of a real-time test generation tool based on UppAal
    Real-time tests must define precisely when an input to the system should be generated and when a response should be expected. The time requirements will be given as timed automata  (formal model of real-time UML) specifications. The UppAal verfication engine and underlying algorithms and datastructures (zones) can also be adapted to generate test cases

    1. A promising approach to test large systems effectively is to use on-the-fly testing. Here the IUT and Uppaal are interconnected (output events from Uppaal are connected to input events of the impl, and vice versa, and the timed automata model is executed/simulated in REAL-TIME to produce input events (event type and time where event should be supplied) for the impl and compute "expectancies" for outputs (event type and deadline where event must be received). This procedure is repeated an extreme number of times to produce test sequences of literally 100.000 + events.   It is a thesis that this approach will be able to handle very large specifications (avoid state space explosion) and achieve good coverage. There are some indications that this approach is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE Stress testing technique. 

    2. Test generation strategies. Intuitively, the more optimal test cases wrt. e.g. fewest possible, fastest total execution time, minimal cost, highest coverage,, etc  that are to be generated,  the more computations and computation time is required apriory by the generation tool. But other times it is more important to handle very large specs or generate test events very fast. Several compromises between computing test events fast and computing optimal test sequences exists.

      • Post-mortem analysis: In one extreme one may simply blindly or randomly generate an input sequence without having the faintest idea of how the impl should react. The sequence is executed and the outputs from the impl is logged. After execution it is checked against the spec wheter the impl responeded correctly.

      • On-the-fly: The specification is interpreted/executed dynamically and valid test sequence are computed.

      • On-the-fly with precomputed data structures: To optimise speed, many manipulations of the specification have been performed before test generation starts to produce data structures containing answers/results/information that will be needed during execution.

      • An optimal test suite is produced befor execution of any test case starts. 

    3. What kind of TA specifications should be accepted? Open/closed specifications? Modeling of environment assumptions?  How are test cases generated? How can the UppAal Engine be adapted to test generation? How to select test cases? How to select the time instances where inputs should be delivered and outputs expected. 

  2. A Real-Time Test Executive

    Automated test execution requires that a test computer (or test software) can communicate with the implementation under test, send and receive byte sequences representing abstract events. A main problem in testing of hard real-time systems is the timeliness of the test execution. The communication delay from the test interpreter until the event is delivered at the implementation interface (and vice versa) must be bounded, and preferebly low overhead. This uncertainty must be measured. Also the events must be precisely timestamped and logged, and the timestamps must be relayed to the test interpreter/generator to ensure that correct verdicts are given, and that generation of future event predictions are precise and valid. This requires real-time support from the OS (predictable scheduling, memory locking, ...) How good can this be done on of-the-shelf OS's like (win2k, Solaris, ) and on specialised Real-Time Operating Systems. 

    Another main problem is that instrumenting the implementation and developing the required communication are very time consuming. Therefore we seek an efficient, general, reusable layered arcitecture based tool for test execution. Other problems includes:

    1. real-time testing: How to execute the test in a timely precise manner? Implementation on a RT-OS.

    2. pseudo real-time testing: Sometimes real-time takes too long. How can (faithful) time leaps be added to allow for faster test execution?

    3. greybox testing: How to interrogate the implementation about state information that can help the test tool/engineerer.

    4. generation of diagnostic information:  A fail verdict alone is not very helpful. Why did the implementation fail? Where? Why? Reprodicability?

  3. Application of automated testing

    A final option is to take an existing test generation tool (E.g. TorX developed at Twente) and apply it to an industrial application to evaluate the effectiveness and limitations of the tool. If you choose this direction you will work with a very interesting application domain. The scientific purpose is twofold: 1) It will demonstrate the effectiveness of automated testing to industrial partners, and 2) it will generate ideas for new desired functionalities, improvements, methods of circumventing its limitations.    Applications could be

    1. AAU-Student Sattelite (a sattelite to be constructed essentially by students only)

    2. Advanced communication protocols (e.g Siemens Mobile Phones)

    3. Control software in "LugeMarie"

    4. Lego Mindstorm robots

    5. Probablistic testing at Lyngsų Industries.

  4. Development of a real-time testing theory
    An implementation relation is the  correctness criterion used in automated testing defining what it means for an implementation to be correct with respect to a given specification. It is usually modelled formally as a mathematically defined relation between two formal objects like two labeled transistion system. It describes precisely what behaviors of the implementation are acceptable compared to a given specification. A good implementation relation is very important in practice because we neither wish to accept an implementation which does not really work, nor rejct an  implementation that actually works. Formulation of an implementation relation cannot be done without a glimse at practical considerations about observability of the implementation and test execution realities: for instance, we may not be able to meassure precisely at what time instant an event occured but only within some bounds. Clearly, a theory requiring exact timing is imperfect. An implementation relation for real-time systems do not exist.

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Quote tossy Replybullet Posted: 14Sep2009 at 12:28am
As per my knowledge automatic testing is any automated device that is used to quickly test printed circuit boards, integrated circuits, or any other related electronic components or modules. 

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