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Message Icon Topic: How Secured Your Job is? - A Good Barometer

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Quote yogindernath Replybullet Topic: How Secured Your Job is? - A Good Barometer
    Posted: 16Jul2009 at 10:05am

How Secured Your Job is? - A Barometer for Self-Assessment

Devil of recession continues to haunt everyone these days. During such period of crisis, several people have already lost their jobs all across the globe. Apart from this majority of those who happen to be fortunate enough to survive till date, are in fact somehow surviving under a constant fear of getting pink slip any moment.

Here is a barometer & a practical tool to introspect & know as to how secured your present job is.

What you need to do is?

Step -1: Carefully go through the following ten questions or situations.

Step -2: With a cool mind, try to figure out, if any situation or question fits on you as on date. If Yes !!! – Allocate "1" – Mark, otherwise allocate "0" – Mark against that question.

Step -3: Continue allocation of marks till the end of questionnaire.

Most Important – Please don’t jump to the end of the questionnaire to see the score calculation methodology; which could otherwise impose a bias in your assessment.

Now carry on with the self-assessment exercise:

Q. 1: Do you feel any decline in your workload? Or part of your work or responsibilities is being offloaded to the colleagues of your department?

Logic: Usually organizations tend to project lack of suitable work for the concerned employee before issuing a pink slip.

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Q. 2: Are you being neglected in company matters may be in official meetings or even social gatherings etc. etc.?

Logic: It is quite tough to take the harsh decision to sack an employee. On the contrary it is fairly easy to create an atmosphere compelling an employee to decide to quit on his/her own.

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Q. 3: Is there any continuous decline in relationship with your colleagues? Or your attitude is slowly turning to be that of a critic towards your company or colleagues?

Logic: Remember that an attitude of a critic & strained relations with colleagues, especially during this hour of crisis can be a cause of concern for your job.

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Q. 4: Has your boss started talking about professional ethics, attitude, competence & performance etc. etc.?

Logic: Remember if a company is making up the mind to sack someone on some pretext or the other, even small shortcomings / mistakes are projected as magnanimous ones.

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Q. 5: Your work is coming under special scrutiny since some time? Or someone is keeping an eye on your work?

Logic: There could be possibilities of tarnishing your image intentionally with a view to justify the pink slip to you. Generally methodical employees tend to be vulnerable to such tactics of the management.

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Q. 6: Whether some less significant assignment or project has been allocated to you recently?

Logic: If you happen to take over an assignment a bit different from your line of competence or from the mainstream operations of the company, it can be cause of concern for you. Remember that it is easy to get rid of a non value-adding employee without many hassles of justifications.

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Q. 7: Are you falling under the category of unpopular employees of your company? Or people are avoiding you?

Logic: If your actions are being counter productive & tending to lower the morale of your juniors or colleagues; you can be greatly vulnerable to pink slip during this ongoing recession. Reason being, the organizations prefer to pull on with popular employees even if they are less competent as compared to competent but unpopular ones.

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Q. 8: Whether majority of your communication with colleagues or superiors is through e-mails as compared to face-to-face discussions compared to the past? Or your boss has stopped calling you for discussions?

Logic: Lack of direct communication can be a cause of concern for your job. There is no doubt that communication by e-mails is quick & effective; rather it inhibits the true feelings which otherwise are expressed through the body language.

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Q. 9: Whether someone else is getting trained under you?

Logic: Remember that organizations create a substitute prior to sacking an employee. Hence under such a situation, you job can be at a stake in-spite of your being adequately competent.

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Q. 10: Are you under a band of people who have been dropped from some sort of training program recently?

Logic: Remember that companies do not spend resources in training a person, with whom they want to part ways. It is quite certain that management has made up their mind to sack you sooner or later.

For conclusion & results : Please read the full article at:
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