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Joined: 26Feb2008
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Quote Harshal Replybullet Topic: Sample test plan for web application
    Posted: 26Feb2008 at 4:45am

Sample Test Plan #1

For Web Application

General Information

Summary: - Summarize the functions of web application/software and test to be performed. Understand the navigation structure and flow of web application.


Environment and Pretest Background: - Summarize the history of project. Describe any prior testing and note results that may affect this testing. Check the software Mozilla & Internet explorer should be install on your machine for browsing web sites.


References: - List applicable references such as,

a.      Documentation concerning related projects

b.      Testing policies, standards, and procedures

c.      Books and articles describing test processes, techniques and tools

d.      Authentication details (Username, Password) 


  1. Software Description: - Contains the flow chart of application system and a brief description of inputs, outputs, and functions.
  2. Milestones :-Identifies the milestone events, where they will occur, and the dates on which the milestones should be achieved.
  3. Testing (Identify Location): - Identify where the web application will be tested. Prepared for each test case that will be performed.
  4. Requirements: - States the resource requirements, including

a.      Equipment: Expected period of use, types, and quantities needed.

b.      Software:  List other software that will be needed to support the testing.

c.       Personnel:  List the numbers and skill types of personnel expected to be available during the test from both the user and development groups.

      5.   Testing Materials:  List the materials needed for the test, such as:

a.      Documentation (SOW)

b.      Software/web site link to be tested and its medium

c.       Test inputs and sample outputs

6.  Test Training:  Reference the plan for providing training in the use of the software being tested. Refer the provided standard documentation for testing. 

Test Description

  • Control:  Describe the methods to control the test process, such as manual, semi-automatic, or automatic insertion of inputs, sequencing of operations, and recording of results.         
  •  Inputs:  Describe the input data and input commands used during the test.
  • Outputs:  Describe the output data expected as a result of the test and any intermediate messages that may be produced. Check the alert /error messages.              

Edited by Harshal - 26Feb2008 at 4:47am
Thanks & Regards,
Harshal Kulkarni (Software Test Engineer)

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