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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: Some More Placement Papers of INFOSYS..
    Posted: 19Feb2008 at 2:59am
Placement Paper 1

For entry level software professionals (experienced hires). The test was relatively simpler (50 marks, 10 question and 60 minutes) and there was no verbal test.

The test was followed by technical interview and HR next day.

I have written the questions that I remember. Only 12 people got selected and I was not one among them..

The questions

1) Seller arranges apples when he arranges 3 in row 1 apple extra similarly for 5, 7 and 9. When 11 apples in a row no extra apples were left. Find no of apples present.

2) A group cow graces at farm land growing at equal speed
40 cows take 40 days
30 cows take 60 days
How much the 20 cow takes to empty the field….

3) how many bees, when one-fifth goes to flower 1, one-third goes to flower 2 and 5 times The difference of f1 and f2 goes to flower3 and 1 travel between f1 and f2

4) Two ice-skaters start from opposite direction and must reach the others starting point. Sketer s1 with the help of wind finished the race in 2 1/2 with a difference of 6 min. find the racing time for s1 and s2.

5) Person 1 ask person 2 what was the weather for Past 5 days, person 2 says he does not remember but the temperature was product of 12, assuming the degree where whole number find the temperature.

6) 5 students a,b,c,d,e speak 5 languages English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French
1) b,c speak English and change to Spanish when d arrives
2) Set of conditions….
Portuguese is spoken by 3 people and Spanish by most of them
1 student speak all 5 language, 1 student speak 4 language, 1 student speak 3 language, 1 student speak 2 language, 1 student speak ONLY ONE language, and answer the set of questions (8 marks)

7) In a race 3 tribe people participate T1 people speak truth, T2 people speak false, T3 speak truth and false alternatively. And set of statement speak and we must find who said which sentence, tribe names where soran, noren and …

8) A murder happens 6 people (names given) where present victim, murder, judge, policeman, witness and hang man
a set of condition given. We must find out, who are

9) A tuck can hold 12 gallons of fuel and can run for 25 m per gallon. After start the fuel leaks through the hole in the tank. The truck comes to halt after traveling at 50 m per hour for 4 hrs. Find the fuel lost thought the hole.

10) a pirate comes home after 6 years, when h left the home his son was 5 times his age and now he is three times his age and when the son is twice the age, he will twice more than him. what was the age of pirate when his son was born

Placement Paper 2

Aptitude is very very easy.. no need of any preparation at all

Verbal section is the one that decides
concentrate in Grammer and dont spend too much time in 1 question
u can never finish Verbal section even if u dont even look the Read Comprehension
verbal is not actually tough, its made to be tough due to less time

Apptitude - 30questions (40min)
Verbal - 40questions (30min)


1) Data Sufficiency (5 problems):
You have to decide if the information given in the statements is sufficient for answering the problem. Indicate your answer as:
a)I alone is sufficient to answer the question.
b)II alone is sufficient to answer the question.
c)either I or II are sufficient to answer the question.
d)both are not sufficient to answer the question.
e)both are needed to answer the question.

2) Pictorial Reasoning (5 problems):
in this 4 figures will be given and will be asked to find the next figure following the sequence

3) Data Interpretation (5 problems):
a graph, pie chart, table of information will be given from that some questions will be asked

4) Conclusion Interpretation (5 problems):
Example:All peacocks are birds, No dog is bird ….. so …..

5) Logical reasoning (2 puzzle * 5 problems):
very simple logical puzzles same pattern type below
these r the 2 questions i got i dont think it is exactly correct
a)P,Q,R,S,T,U,V & W are 8 doctors are visiting a charitable hospital 1hr each day (from 9am-1pm & from 2pm-6pm, 1pm-2pm is a lunch break

except holiday i.e. Monday. Saturday they will visit only half an hour.No one will visit the hospital before Q and after U. W will visit immediately after the lunch and is followed by R. Position of S will be same as P in after noon session.

b)one father had 4 sons & 20 gold coins. when he died he splited among his sons such that his elder son got the highest & younger son got the lowest, the other two sons got the same amount of gold, and one more condition i dont remember


1) Reading Comprehension (2 passage * 4 questions)
no need to look these questions itself u will never have time even if u dont attend this
both r 1 full page paragraphs so if u read both paragraphs once itself 30 min will get over
one paragraph some kingdom in history ,, i made a blind mark.
second paragraph was about “IT industry impact on indian economy” ,, i just read questions & answered,, if u have some commonsense u can answer this easily without reading the paragraph.

2) Sentence Completion (8 questions)
a sentence beginning will be given u need to choose the correct ending sentence from 4options depending upon tense, singular, plural, articles…

3) Sentence correction (8 questions)
same as above but u need to correct the full sentence choosing from 4 options

4) Passage conclusion (8 questions)
a small passage will be given u will be asked to choose best title or conclusion for the passage

5) Fill the blank (8 questions)
same grammar questions,, here instead of sentence u need to choose the correct word

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