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Quote ashwini_123 Replybullet Topic: Latest INFOSYS placement Paper(2007/08)
    Posted: 18Feb2008 at 12:12am
Paper 1


Hello friends , this is harsha tumuluri, i would like to thank all the students who gave their suggestions at the….we had our infosys campus placement today at Muffakham jah college of engg and technology , it was an oncampus for us….

At first the pre placement talk will be given , please do listen to that carefully and if possible jot down some necessary points…i would rather suggest u to learn about the history of inofosys from the or u can go to the infosys website….

After the preplacement talk we were asked to fill up the forms , the details of that will be given by the ppl over there…but do fill ur %’s correctly as they may later on verify and they even take the signature from u stating that all the data written on that form is true…

QUANTITATIVE EXAM: 30 questions 40 minutes

1) The quant paper was average , the first question was a shocker and it was a big paragraph in which a question related to the card game “flash”
was asked(sorry i dont remember)
2) Questions 5 to 10 were on the figures , 3 figures will be given and u have to spot the next figure.
U can get these questions from classifications chapter in R S Agarwal(non verbal reasoning)
3) Questions 10-15 were on data sufficiency(RS Agarwal section 1 verbal and non verbal)
4) Questions 15-20 were on data interpretation ,some pie chart was given and questions were asked on that.(data interpretation RS agarwal
quantitative aptitude book)
5) Questions 20-25 were on questions like u need to contruct a table and fill in the date to answer such question.(I would suggest u to do the
entire puzzle test chapter in the RS agarwal verbal n non verbal reasoning book perfectly)
6) Questions 25-30 were syllogisms, they were not the regular syllogism’s like 2 statements will be given and u need to derive a conclusion , 6
statements were given and u need to find out the corect combination of the sentences which form a sense.
These type of problems can be found in RS agrawal(verbal n non verbal ssection 2 -logic) do all of them.

Blood relations,number ranking sequence ,series , cubes and dices are very important although they were not asked for us….

ENGLISH EXAM: 40 questions 30 mins

If ur basics are strong then no need to go through any books , yeah but if u want to have practice then try to solve the problems of wren and martin grammer n composition
(prepositions, tenses,direct and indirect speech,conditions statements)
2 RC’s will be given , dont start with this , time will not be sufficient…
start with other sections like sentence corection(10 Q’s) , fill with appropriate word (10 Q’s), deriving conclusion from the passages(10 Q’s).
some people wuld suggest to solve CAT problems for this but i personally feel that the questions given were not even close to the CAT standard….they were very simple.
But yeah u can go thru the correct usage of the tenses and prepostions from the CAT material…
We waited for 2 hrs and after that the results were declared , i was shortlisted..


Try to stay very cool and calm , i know that it is very tough but just try to b e relaxed. Don’t panic b4 the interviewer , just consider them as ur frends or consider him as a person who doesnt know anything and u are explaining to him!! Keep smiling and be confident , they look at ur confidence….They will have a look at ur resume and then ask questions from them , will give u a sheet of paper in which there will be 5 topics u have to choose one and speak on that topic , one real time problem will be given and how do u face that…and finally puzzles will be asked..
be prepared with topics like IT companies growth , which sectors in india are considered to develop in the next few years….If u have organized any event then they will ask u about that event n the difficulties faced in that event and how did u overcome it?? few puzzles will be given like

1)how can u make 5 one rupee coins to touch each other…every coin shud touch the other 4 coins…
2) U are given a 3 containers 20 liters , 5 liters and 3 liters and the 20 litre can is full of milk , u need to get 4 liters of milk somehow by using all the containers..
3) 6 match sticks will be given u need to contruct a structure such that it has 4 equilateral triangles…ans is contruct a pyramid with base as triangle

Guys be careful about ur hobbies , one of my frends said that his hobby was volleyball and immediately the HR person asked doubts like what is the weight of the ball , dimentions of the court and height of net etc…..the interviewer is just trying to annoy u by asking these questions , dont panic and say confidently that u dont know!
or else u learn every thing about ur hobbies….I am a fan of tennis so b4 going to the interview i learned that weight of the tennis ball is 57g and height of the net is 36 inches in the middle and 42 at the ends , the different courts and etc….
go to to find out more information

Paper 2

Im KAVITA from H.B.T.I Kanpur, recently INFOSYS Technologies visited our campus. We all r well aware of this IT giant, its one of the best company of India n i think most of us consider IT as a dream company. I GOT SELECTED IN INFOSYS n its like a dream come true. Earlier i was a harcotian n now im a Infosian.


APPTITUDE = 30 questions (40 min)

STATEMENT 2 :a=38, b=43, c=45
STATEMENT3 :a=b , b=c
like wise some more statements

if a= a+b+c then find the output at the end of the program.

2. questions on odd figure out in non- verbal(5 diagrams will be given) very easy
3. data sufficiency(5)
4. data interpretation(a table was given but prepare bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs also)
5. logical reasoning (6 person are having sunshine aries, libra etc. the one who is tall is not a libran) Make table to solve these questions.
6. Syllogism
6 sentences given n we hv to arrange in logical order.use venn diagram

ENGLISH: 35 questions(30 min)
It was a difficult one, totally C.A.T. pattern.
-2 very big passages (one on how managers manage the things, other on E-Commerce)
-sentence corrections (based on grammer, logics)
-fill in the blanks with correct word (need very strong vocabulary)
-short passages(4-5 lines) u need to find correct inference, assumption, conclusion out of 4 sentences given.


No Technical, prepare puzzles(they ask)no puzzle was asked to me but a lot to my friends.
Frankly speaking.(they check 2 things either u should hv very good communication skills or ur apptitude should be very sharp, some of my friends who r not very good at communication answered the puzzles very effectively n they are in, so dont loose hope, show ur full confidence n definitely u will b selected.)

1.What is the difference between ball pen n gel pen
2.U BELONG to uttranchal so how do u percept haldwani, nainital and kanpur.
3.IN normal vision we write 6/6 WHAT does it mean
4.puzzle- WE ALL NEED MORE = MONEY(what is the value of N 9 )
5.5 weakness with eg.
6.5 strengths with eg.
7. if after 4 months we send u to U.S n ur parents wont allow whwt will u do.
8.why want join software as u are not from C.S or I.T.
9.they ask questions from CURRENT AFFAIRS, POLITICS, G.K also.from where pratibha patil belong, New7 wonders.

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