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Joined: 05Feb2007
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Quote jack Replybullet Topic: Bug Life Cycle
    Posted: 05Feb2007 at 1:29pm

Bug Life Cycle

The duration or time span between the first time bug is found (‘New’) and closed successfully (status: ‘Closed’), rejected, postponed or deferred is called as ‘Bug/Error Life Cycle’.


There are seven different life cycles that a bug can passes through:

< I > Cycle I:
1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead.
2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not.
3) Test lead finds that the bug is not valid and the bug is ‘Rejected’.

< II > Cycle II:
1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead.
2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not.
3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’.
4) The development leader and team verify if it is a valid bug. The bug is invalid and is marked with a status of ‘Pending Reject’ before passing it back to the testing team.
5) After getting a satisfactory reply from the development side, the test leader marks the bug as ‘Rejected’.

< III > Cycle III:
1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead.
2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not.
3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’.
4) The development leader and team verify if it is a valid bug. The bug is valid and the development leader assigns a developer to it marking the status as ‘Assigned’.
5) The developer solves the problem and marks the bug as ‘Fixed’ and passes it back to the Development leader.
6) The development leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Pending Retest’ and passes on to the testing team for retest.
7) The test leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Retest’ and passes it to a tester for retest.
8) The tester retests the bug and it is working fine, so the tester closes the bug and marks it as ‘Closed’.

< IV > Cycle IV:
1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead.
2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not.
3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’.
4) The development leader and team verify if it is a valid bug. The bug is valid and the development leader assigns a developer to it marking the status as ‘Assigned’.
5) The developer solves the problem and marks the bug as ‘Fixed’ and passes it back to the Development leader.
6) The development leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Pending Retest’ and passes on to the testing team for retest.
7) The test leader changes the status of the bug to ‘Retest’ and passes it to a tester for retest.
8) The tester retests the bug and the same problem persists, so the tester after confirmation from test leader reopens the bug and marks it with ‘Reopen’ status. And the bug is passed back to the development team for fixing.

< V > Cycle V:
1) A tester finds a bug and reports it to Test Lead.
2) The Test lead verifies if the bug is valid or not.
3) The bug is verified and reported to development team with status as ‘New’.
4) The developer tries to verify if the bug is valid but fails in replicate the same scenario as was at the time of testing, but fails in that and asks for help from testing team.
5) The tester also fails to re-generate the scenario in which the bug was found. And developer rejects the bug marking it ‘Rejected’.

< VI > Cycle VI:
1) After confirmation that the data is unavailable or certain functionality is unavailable, the solution and retest of the bug is postponed for indefinite time and it is marked as ‘Postponed’.

< VII > Cycle VII:
1) If the bug does not stand importance and can be/needed to be postponed, then it is given a status as ‘Deferred’.



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