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Message Icon Topic: Growing HTTP 500 Errors with Concurrency growth

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Joined: 30Mar2007
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Quote jay@jay Replybullet Topic: Growing HTTP 500 Errors with Concurrency growth
    Posted: 31Mar2007 at 2:20am
1. What version of LoadRunner (LR) or PerformanceCenter (PC) are you using? (specify which LR or PC)
LR 7.8 Feature Pack 1
2. What is the protocol you are recording?
2.1 If HTML - are you using HTML-Advanced with URLs or,
2.2 URL mode with Concurrent groups, or
2.3 URL mode without Concurrent groups?
3. Which LoadRunner/PerformanceCenter feature or service packs are you using?
Feature Pack 1
4. What kind of LoadRunner license do you have - Subscription, Perpetual, Virtual User days, or Evaluation? (choose the one that fits your license model)
4.1 If subscription, is subscription current or expired?
5. What platform(s) and Operating Systems? Include version and service packs.
Windows Terminal Server
6. If you have filed a service request with Mercury, what have they told you at this point with respect to your issue?
Not yet

Dear All,
I request your views for the below,

I have prepared, enhanced and debug the LR scripts according to the test scenario. Script has no issues. Script is running well for 30 users with no errors/warnings.
For 40 users LRController is generating logs with "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error". My perception with the situation is that the Server is not able to handle the HTTP requests generated by 40 Users; where as it is able to handle the requests for 30 users.
Can anybody throw some light, is my understanding correct.
Please let me know for further information.

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Joined: 31Mar2007
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Posts: 1
Quote pranati01 Replybullet Posted: 31Mar2007 at 3:05am


Zubair: ...Script has no issues. ...

Do you have someone to review them? Scripting and/or script parameter and/or runtime settings can cause the script to make unusual requests that result in http-5xx errors.

Zubair: ...Script is running well for 30 users with no errors/warnings. For 40 users LRController is generating logs with "HTTP 500 Internal Server Error". My perception with the situation is that the Server is not able to handle the HTTP requests generated by 40 Users; where as it is able to handle the requests for 30 users.

Your perception may be correct (key word = may). If this situation is repeatable, I suggest you get monitoring in place and perhaps some key people to monitor systems during the test. The root cause possibilities at the level of detail you provided, are vast in number.
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