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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: Software Testing Interview Questions
    Posted: 22Oct2007 at 4:39am

1. What is diff. between CMMI and CMM levels?
A: - CMM: - this is applicable only for software industry. KPAs -18
CMMI: - This is applicable for software, out sourcing and all other industries. KPA - 25

2. What is the scalability testing?
1. Scalabilty is nothing but how many users that the application should handle

2. Scalability is nothing but maximum no of users that the system can handle

3. Scalability testing is a subtype of performance test where performance requirements for response time, throughput, and/or utilization are tested as load on the SUT is increased over time.

4. As a part of scalability testing we test the expandability of the application. In scalability we test 1.Applicaation scalability, 2.Performance scalability

Application scalability: to test the possibility of implementing new features in the system or updating the existing features of the system. With the help of design doc we do this testing

Performance scalability: To test how the s/w perform when it is subjected to varying loads to measure and to evaluate the
Performance behavior and the ability for the s/w to continue to function properly under different workloads.

–> To check the comfort level of an application in terms of user load. And user experience and system tolerance levels
–> The point within an application that when subjected to increasing workload begin to degrade in terms of end user experience and system tolerance
–> Response time
Execution time
System resource utilization
Network delays

 stress testing

3. What is status of defect when you are performing regression testing?
A:-Fixed Status

4. What is the first test in software testing process?
A) Monkey testing
B) Unit Testing
c) Static analysis
d) None of the above

A: - Unit testing is the first test in testing process, though it is done by developers after the completion of coding it is correct one.

4. When will the testing starts? a) Once the requirements are Complete b) In requirement phase?

A: - Once the requirements are complete.

This is Static testing. Here, u r supposed to read the documents (requirements) and it is quite a common issue in S/w industry that many requirements contradict with other requirements. These are also can be reported as bugs. However, they will be reviewed before reporting them as bugs (defects).

5. What is the part of Qa and QC in refinement v model?
A: — V model is a kind of SDLC. QC (Quality Control) team tests the developed product for quality. It deals only with product, both in static and dynamic testing. QA (Quality Assurance) team works on the process and manages for better quality in the process. It deals with (reviews) everything right from collecting requirements to delivery.

6. What are the bugs we cannot find in black box?
A: — If there r any bugs in security settings of the pages or any other internal mistake made in coding cannot be found in black box testing.

7. What are Microsoft 6 rules?
A: — As far as my knowledge these rules are used at user Interface test.
These are also called Microsoft windows standards. They are

. GUI objects are aligned in windows
• All defined text is visible on a GUI object
• Labels on GUI objects are capitalized
• Each label includes an underlined letter (mnemonics)
• Each window includes an OK button, a Cancel button, and a System menu

8. What are the steps to test any software through automation tools?
A: — First, you need to segregate the test cases that can be automated. Then, prepare test data as per the requirements of those test cases. Write reusable functions which are used frequently in those test cases. Now, prepare the test scripts using those reusable functions and by applying loops and conditions where ever necessary. However, Automation framework that is followed in the organization
should strictly follow through out the process.

9. What is Defect removable efficiency?
A: - The DRE is the percentage of defects that have been removed
during an activity, computed with the equation below. The DRE can also be computed for each software development activity and plotted on a bar graph to show the relative defect removal efficiencies for each activity. Or, the DRE may be computed for a specific task or technique (e.g. design inspection, code walkthrough, unit test, 6 month operation, etc.) Number Defects Removed
DRE = –—————————————————— * 100
Number Defects at Start of Process

DRE=A/A+B = 0.8

A = Testing Team (Defects by testing team)
B = customer ( ” ” customer )

If dre <=0.8 then good product otherwise not.

10. Example for bug not reproducible?
A: — Difference in environment
11. During alpha testing why customer people r invited?
A: — becaz alpha testing related to acceptance testing, so,
accepting testing is done in front of client or customer for
there acceptance

12. Difference between adhoc testing and error guessing?
A: — Adhoc testing: without test data r any documents performing testing.

Error Guessing: This is a Test data selection technique. The selection criterion is to pick values that seem likely to cause errors.

13. Diff between test plan and test strategy?
A: — Test plan: After completion of SRS learning and business requirement gathering test management concentrate on test planning, this is done by Test lead, or Project lead.

Test Strategy: Depends on corresponding testing policy quality analyst finalizes test Responsibility Matrix. This is dont by QA. But both r Documents.

14. What is “V-n-V” Model? Why is it called as “V”& why not “U”? Also tell at what Stage Testing should be best to stared?
A: — It is called V coz it looks like V. the detailed V model is shown below.

SRS                          Acceptance testing
    HLD (High Level Design)   System testing
       LLD (Low level      Integration testing
             Design)     /
                       Unit Testing

There is no such stage for which you wait to start testing.
Testing starts as soon as SRS document is ready. You can raise defects that are present in the document. It’s called verification.

15. What is difference in between Operating System 2000 and OS XP?
A; — Windows 2000 and Windows XP are essentially the same operating system (known internally as Windows NT 5.0 and Windows NT 5.1, respectively.) Here are some considerations if you’re trying to decide which version to use:

Windows 2000 benefits:

1) Windows 2000 has lower system requirements, and has a simpler interface (no “Styles” to mess with).
2) Windows 2000 is slightly less expensive, and has no product activation.
3) Windows 2000 has been out for a while, and most of the common problems and security holes have been uncovered and fixed.
4) Third-party software and hardware products that aren’t yet XP-compatible may be compatible with Windows 2000; check the manufacturers of your devices and applications for XP support before you upgrade.

Windows XP benefits:

1) Windows XP is somewhat faster than Windows 2000, assuming you have a fast processor and tons of memory (although it will run fine with a 300 MHz Pentium II and 128MB of RAM).
2) The new Windows XP interface is more cheerful and colorful than earlier versions, although the less- cartoon “Classic” interface can still be used if desired.
3 Windows XP has more bells and whistles, such as the Windows Movie Maker, built-in CD writer support, the Internet Connection Firewall, and Remote Desktop Connection.
4) Windows XP has better support for games and comes with more games than Windows 2000.
5) Manufacturers of existing hardware and software products are more likely to add Windows XP compatibility now than Windows 2000 compatibility.

16. What is bug life cycle?
A: — New: when tester reports a defect
Open: when developer accepts that it is a bug or if the developer rejects the defect, then the status is turned into “Rejected”
Fixed: when developer make changes to the code to rectify the bug…
Closed/Reopen: when tester tests it again. If the expected result shown up, it is turned into “Closed” and if the problem resists again, it’s “Reopen

17. What is deferred status in defect life cycle?
A: — Deferred status means the developer accepted the bus, but it is scheduled to rectify in the next build

18. What is smoke test?
A; — Testing the application whether it’s performing its basic functionality properly or not, so that the test team can go ahead with the application

19. Do you use any automation tool for smoke testing?
A: - Definitely can use.

20. What is Verification and validation?
A: — Verification is static. No code is executed. Say, analysis of requirements etc. Validation is dynamic. Code is executed with scenarios present in test cases.

21. What is test plan and explain its contents?
A: — Test plan is a document which contains the scope for testing the application and what to be tested, when to be tested and who to test.

22. Advantages of automation over manual testing?
A: — Time, resource and Money

23. What is ADhoc testing?
A: — AdHoc means doing something which is not planned.

24. What is mean by release notes?
A: — It’s a document released along with the product which explains about the product. It also contains about the bugs that are in deferred status.

25. Scalability testing comes under in which tool?
A: — Scalability testing comes under performance testing. Load testing, scalability testing both r same.

26. What is the difference between Bug and Defect?
A: — Bug: Deviation from the expected result. Defect: Problem in algorithm leads to failure.

A Mistake in code is called Error.

Due to Error in coding, test engineers are getting mismatches in application is called defect.

If defect accepted by development team to solve is called Bug.

27. What is hot fix?
A: — A hot fix is a single, cumulative package that includes one or more files that are used to address a problem in a software product. Typically, hot fixes are made to address a specific customer situation and may not be distributed outside the customer organization.

Bug found at the customer place which has high priority.

28. What is the difference between functional test cases and compatability testcases?
A: — There are no Test Cases for Compatibility Testing; in Compatibility Testing we are Testing an application in different Hardware and software. If it is wrong plz let me know.

29. What is Acid Testing??
A: — ACID Means:
ACID testing is related to testing a transaction.

Mostly this will be done database testing.

30. What is the main use of preparing a traceability matrix?
A: — To Cross verify the prepared test cases and test scripts with user requirements.

To monitor the changes, enhance occurred during the development of the project.

Traceability matrix is prepared in order to cross check the test cases designed against each requirement, hence giving an opportunity to verify that all the requirements are covered in testing the application.

31. If we have no SRS, BRS but we have test cases does u execute the test cases blindly or do u follow any other process?
A: — Test case would have detail steps of what the application is supposed to do. SO
1) Functionality of application is known.

2) In addition you can refer to Backend, I mean look into the Database. To gain more knowledge of the application

32. How to execute test case?
A: — There are two ways:
1. Manual Runner Tool for manual execution and updating of test status.
2. Automated test case execution by specifying Host name and other automation pertaining details.

33. Difference between re testing and regression testing?

A: — Retesting: –

Re-execution of test cases on same application build with different input values is retesting.

Regression Testing:

Re-execution of test cases on modifies form of build is called regression testing…

34. What is the difference between bug log and defect tracking?
A; — Bug log is a document which maintains the information of the bug where as bug tracking is the process.

35. Who will change the Bug Status as Differed?
A: — Bug will be in open status while developer is working on it Fixed after developer completes his work if it is not fixed properly the tester puts it in reopen After fixing the bug properly it is in closed state.


36. wht is smoke testing and user interface testing ?

A: — ST:
Smoke testing is non-exhaustive software testing, as pertaining that the most crucial functions of a program work, but not bothering with finer details. The term comes to software testing from a similarly basic type of hardware testing.

I did a bit or R n D on this…. some says it’s nothing but Usability testing. Testing to determine the ease with which a user can learn to operate, input, and interpret outputs of a system or component.

Smoke testing is nothing but to check whether basic functionality of the build is stable or not?
I.e. if it possesses 70% of the functionality we say build is stable.
User interface testing: We check all the fields whether they are existing or not as per the format we check spelling graphic font sizes everything in the window present or not|

37. what is bug, deffect, issue, error?

A: — Bug: — Bug is identified by the tester.
Defect:– Whenever the project is received for the analysis phase ,may be some requirement miss to get or understand most of the time Defect itself come with the project (when it comes).
Issue: — Client site error most of the time.
Error: — When anything is happened wrong in the project from the development side i.e. called as the error, most of the time this knows by the developer.

Bug: a fault or defect in a system or machine

Defect: an imperfection in a device or machine;

Issue: An issue is a major problem that will impede the progress of the project and cannot be resolved by the project manager and project team without outside help

Error is the deviation of a measurement, observation, or calculation from the truth

38. What is the diff b/w functional testing and integration testing?
A: — functional testing is testing the whole functionality of the system or the application whether it is meeting the functional specifications

Integration testing means testing the functionality of integrated module when two individual modules are integrated for this we use top-down approach and bottom up approach

39. what type of testing u perform in organization while u do System Testing, give clearly?

A: — Functional testing
User interface testing
Usability testing
Compatibility testing
Model based testing
Error exit testing
User help testing
Security testing
Capacity testing
Performance testing
Sanity testing
Regression testing
Reliability testing
Recovery testing
Installation testing
Maintenance testing
Accessibility testing, including compliance with:
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of the World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C)

40. What is the main use of preparing Traceability matrix and explain the real time usage?

A: — A traceability matrix is created by associating requirements with the work products that satisfy them. Tests are associated with the requirements on which they are based and the product tested to meet the requirement.

A traceability matrix is a report from the requirements database or repository.

41. How can u do the following 1) Usability testing 2) scalability Testing

Testing the ease with which users can learn and use a product.

It’s a Web Testing defn.allows web site capability improvement.

Testing to determine whether the system/software meets the specified portability requirements.

42. What does u mean by Positive and Negative testing & what is the diff’s between them. Can anyone explain with an example?

A: — Positive Testing: Testing the application functionality with valid inputs and verifying that output is correct
Negative testing: Testing the application functionality with invalid inputs and verifying the output.

Difference is nothing but how the application behaves when we enter some invalid inputs suppose if it accepts invalid input the application
Functionality is wrong

Positive test: testing aimed to show that s/w work i.e. with valid inputs. This is also called as “test to pass’
Negative testing: testing aimed at showing s/w doesn’t work. Which is also know as ‘test to fail” BVA is the best example of -ve testing.

43. what is change request, how u use it?

A: — Change Request is a attribute or part of Defect Life Cycle.

Now when u as a tester finds a defect n report to ur DL…he in turn informs the Development Team.
The DT says it’s not a defect it’s an extra implementation or says not part of req’ment. Its newscast has to pay.

Here the status in ur defect report would be Change Request

I think change request controlled by change request control board (CCB). If any changes required by client after we start the project, it has to come thru that CCB and they have to approve it. CCB got full rights to accept or reject based on the project schedule and cost.

44. What is risk analysis, what type of risk analysis u did in u r project?

A: — Risk Analysis:
A systematic use of available information to determine how often specified events and unspecified events may occur and the magnitude of their likely consequences


procedure to identify threats & vulnerabilities, analyze them to ascertain the exposures, and highlight how the impact can be eliminated or reduced

Types :


45. What is API ?

A:– Application program interface

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