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Quote tanushree Replybullet Topic: Database Operations Tests !!!!
    Posted: 06Oct2007 at 1:08am
Testing J2EE applications is often difficult and time-consuming at best, but testing the database operations portion of a J2EE application is especially challenging. Database operations tests must be able to catch logic errors—when a query returns the wrong data, for example, or when an update changes the database state incorrectly or in unexpected ways.

For example, say you have a USER class that represents a single USER table and that database operations on the USER table are encapsulated by a Data Access Object (DAO), UserDAO, as follows:

public interface UserDAO {

/** * Returns the list of users

* with the given name

* or at least the minimum age


public List listUsers(String name, Integer minimumAge);


* Returns all the users

* in the database


public List listAllUsers();


In this simple UserDAO interface, the listUsers() method should return all rows (from the USER table) that have the specified name or the specified value for minimum age. A test to determine whether you've correctly implemented this method in your own classes must take into consideration several questions:

* Does the method call the correct SQL (for JDBC applications) or the correct query-filtering expression (for object role modeling [ORM]-based applications)?
* Is the SQL- or query- filtering expression correctly written, and does it return the correct number of rows?
* What happens if you supply invalid parameters? Does the method behave as expected? Does it handle all boundary conditions appropriately?
* Does the method correctly populate the users list from the result set returned from the database?

Thus, even a simple DAO method has a host of possible outcomes and error conditions, each of which should be tested to ensure that an application works correctly. And in most cases, you'll want the tests to interact with the database and use real data—tests that operate purely at the individual class level or use mock objects to simulate database dependencies will not suffice. Database testing is equally important for read/write operations, particularly those that apply many changes to the database, as is often the case with PL/SQL stored procedures.

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