Mercury Functional Testing
- Are you expected to operate with limited resources and tight deadlines while implementing new technologies that improve business processes, reduce costs, and always work flawlessly?
- Do you have a complete software testing solution in place to ensure that applications always work as expected?
- Do you understand the risk to your business and to your team’s credibility when software fails?
Mercury Functional Testing™ combines Mercury’s functional testing products, Mercury QuickTest Professional™ and Mercury WinRunner®, to deliver the industry’s most complete solution for functional test, graphical user interface (GUI) test, and regression test automation — with support for practically every software application and environment.
Leverage Mercury WinRunner and Mercury QuickTest Professional
Mercury Functional Testing enables you to leverage test assets from both WinRunner and QuickTest Professional scripts. Quality engineers can use Mercury Functional Testing to create “composite scripts†consisting of tests built in both WinRunner and QuickTest Professional. Mercury Functional Testing leverages the integration between WinRunner and QuickTest Professional, where each product can call scripts of the other, and test results are reported into a common reporting interface.
Compare QuickTestProfessional and WinRunner
Read a side-by-side product comparison of the environments supported by Mercury QuickTest Professional and Mercury WinRunner. Read more
Enable Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Testing
Mercury Service Testâ„¢ enables quality assurance teams to conduct both functional and performance tests for SOA services, ensuring that services meet both business and interoperability requirements.