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Quote naruboinac Replybullet Topic: QTP
    Posted: 21May2007 at 8:23pm
Hi ,
Generally test process starts in the initiation phase.  BA collects the requirements and the  BRS document is prepared, which is an input doc for the requirements phase.  In this phase requirements analysis and feasibility study is done and the output is SRS.  Based on SRS, Test plan is prepared and we move on to design phase.
In the design phase, HLDs(High Level Design) and LLDs(Low Level Design) are prepared.  Test cases are designed based on HLDs and LLDs.  The designed TCs are sent for a review.  After review, the review team can send suggestions, modifications and additions in the test cases.
Once we receive the build, we can start executing the test cases and report the bugs and get them fixed.  Once the build is bug free, we can release the build.
As far as I know, we can explain this process for the question.
plz correct me if any mistakes are there.
Thanks and Regards,

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Quote Santu Replybullet Posted: 08Jun2007 at 4:26am
Hi Chandu,
In fact as a tester u will not involved into design phase.  And test cases will not be prepared based on HLD LLD, they are prepaerd based on SRS/FRS/Use cases.
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Joined: 07Jun2007
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Quote Santu Replybullet Posted: 08Jun2007 at 4:26am
Hi Chandu,
In fact as a tester u will not involved into design phase.  And test cases will not be prepared based on HLD LLD, they are prepaerd based on BRS/SRS/FRS/Use cases.
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sai reddy

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Quote sai reddy Replybullet Posted: 27Jun2007 at 1:59am
Tongue hi chandu ,
thanks for giving good ans for testing process.
can u plez tell me abot keyword driven framework in QTP.
i hav asked in many interviews wat framework do follow in ur company.
can u explain me ....................... waitin 4r ur rply
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Quote nayyar Replybullet Posted: 11Jul2007 at 6:02am
Keyword Driven Framework for Automation Testing
Sachin  A Khade
Harpreet Kaur Nijjar

Keyword Driven Framework for Automation Testing
This paper presents an object based keyword driven framework for J2EE web based application. This framework facilitates integration of keyword driven testing and traditional scripts independent of the application.
This framework is developed to provide an easier approach to Functional Testing and Business Process Testing by passing appropriate Parameters for particular Action words in the framework. This framework allows reasonably intuitive tests to be developed and executed without modifying the test scripts.
Test engineers can use the framework to develop a driver which uses data to vary test script execution instead of using test scripts directly. Team Leads can benefit as far as technical aspects are concerned. Project managers and Business mangers can handle GUI testing in reduced time and minimized cost. Keyword-driven frameworks are very powerful, and they make it super easy for non-testers and non-technical testers to contribute to the test project.
This paper discusses a keyword driven approach for a practical example and highlights the benefits of it in comparison to test library approach for automation testing. The software testing tool integrated is Quick Test Professional. In addition this paper gives a brief introduction to some of methods and QTP (VBS) libraries used in QTP scripts.
The test scenarios are built dynamically based on the selection of the keyword and the parameters passed. Hence, the execution sequence of the Test Scripts is determined by output of each executed step.
The keyword driven framework developed was applied to a J2EE web based application. This paper documents an example of low priority functional test case of the particular application. But the future scope involves Business Process Testing Suite along with entire Functional Testing Suite.
The paper discusses the significant advantages of Keyword driven framework in comparison to Test Library framework. The real benefit is the improved maintainability and reusability of the test scripts. A comparison amongst Keyword driven framework and Test library framework is depicted which signifies the flexibility and minimized cost involved in Keyword driven framework.
An example discussed shows the execution of a particular Functional test suite consumes five hours using Test Library framework whereas for Keyword driven framework same can be accomplished in three hrs.
The Framework design and its components are discussed in detail in the paper. Main components of Keyword driven framework include Test Case IDs, Result, Keyword, Output, Parameters and Time-Stamp.
In the Framework Recovery Scenarios (.qrs files in QTP) at appropriate points during Test Suite execution have also been introduced. Hence, on occurrence of application error, respective Recovery Scenario gets enabled. The framework is so designed that, it’s possible to view the snapshot of the application at the very instant when Recovery scenario got enabled, making testing easier and flexible.
This framework has proved to be beneficial to the organization in terms of reduction of the maintenance cost for test scripts. Few problems related to Test Library Framework and Application Under Test were overcome using this framework. Test Library framework encountered synchronization problem which has been discussed and analysed in detail.
            This paper also discusses the future enhancements of the Keyword Driven Framework, more problem solving and gaining benefits using this framework
Keyword driven framework consists of Data Tables and Keywords, independent of the test automation tool used to execute them and the test script code that "drives" the Application Under Test (AUT) and the data. Keyword Driven Framework looks very similar to manual test cases. In a keyword-driven test, the functionality of the AUT is documented in a table as well as in step-by-step instructions for each test. In this method, the entire process is data-driven, including functionality.
This paper gives a detailed comparison between Test Library framework and Keyword Driven framework. It also discusses issues related to automation of  Java applets and how those issues are tackled while designing the framework.
Test engineers can use the framework to develop a driver which uses data to vary test script execution instead of using test scripts directly. Team Leads can benefit as far as technical aspects are concerned. Project managers and Business mangers can handle GUI testing in reduced time and minimized cost. Keyword-driven frameworks are very powerful, and they make it super easy for non-testers and non-technical testers to contribute to the test project.
Benefits of Keyword Driven Framework over Test Library Framework
Test Library Framework:
The Test Library Framework divides the application-under-test (AUT) into procedures and functions (or objects and methods) instead of scripts. This framework requires the creation of library files (VB Script libraries) that represent modules and functions of the AUT. These library files are then called directly from the test case script.
Various factors why the Keyword driven frame work is implemented in the Business Process Testing
1. Setting up the Automation Test Environment.
2. Flexibility.
3. Reusability.
1.       Setting up the Automation Test Environment.
With the Test Library driven frame work, the Business analyst or manual testers had to key in too many parameters before starting the execution of the scripts. Hence business analyst required a fair knowledge about the automation script and scripting, this is overcome by using the Key word driven frame work in which the business analyst will have to key in only the Keywords which is related to the business operation. This makes the test suite executable by the Business analyst and even manual testers without having the knowledge of scripting and QTP.
2. Flexible in use.
If a Business analyst has to test only a specific Business Process or functionality or scenario then with the Test Library test frame work it was not possible to do so because all the dependency factors was not handled, where as the Keyword driven frame work helps to achieve the Business processing testing or specific functionality testing or scenario testing just by building in the scenarios as required.
3.       Reusability.
For each and every scenario that has to be tested the keyword driven frame work reuses the library files that has been developed which in turn reduces the redundancy.
Evolution of Keyword Driven Framework
The issues related to Test Library Framework and J2EE Web Application lead to the evolution of this framework.
Problems related to Test Library Framework:
1.                   Test Runs were frequently going out of sync.
Root-Cause Analysis:
1.                   Framework was not able to handle the dependency between test cases. Whenever test case fails, it used to execute the dependant test cases. Libraries were not returning the ‘Pass / Fail’ Status
2.                    Libraries were not returning the ‘Pass / Fail’ Status
1. Designed Keyword Driven Framework in which,
‘If Fail’ column introduced,
-          If some test case fails, execution control goes to the test case / step mentioned in the column.
‘If Pass’ column introduced as well,
            - If particular test case is disabled, it disables the dependant test cases / steps in the column.
2. Class Libraries modified to return pass fail status.
For example:
-If object is not present the library returns a message ‘Object is not present within the application’,
-If some vb script error occurs, it returns error code and description.
-If some message pops-up, recovery scenario updates an environment variable. The value of the variable is returned by class library to the main driver script. The step is logged as failed.
-If everything is executed as expected then only class library returns ‘Pass’ result.
Problems related to J2EE Web Application
Java Applets:
Every application contains some customized controls based upon the enterprise requirements. There are some customized controls / widgets developed in the form of Java applets in the J2EE application for which this framework is developed. These are customized Applets contained standard Java widgets. These customized applet used to publish only that much data which is needed outside it for programming purpose.
These applets are basically tree and list controls.
A row in the list applet keeps on changing the location (x, y co-ordinates) which is dependant on the sorting of various columns.
A tree node keeps on changing the location as per the expansion and contraction of various branches of the tree.
Sorting was taken care previously by QTP libraries (logic implemented in .vbs files). It was dependant on the Automation tester’s perception while designing the test case. Tester used to send the sorting parameters while calling the libraries.
Sometimes, sorting column/order used to change on some builds due to defect fixing.
Windows shell script to select Arrow keys on the keyboard was used to traverse to particular node. This process was time consuming.
There are some methods present in Java for various widgets which will return the rectangle object (x, y co-ordinates and height as well as width) of particular cell of a table / node of a tree at runtime. These methods were not present in those applets. For e.g. getPathBounds() for tree.
Development team was requested to introduce some new public methods in the Java applets based on above information.
There were some customized methods already present in the list applet which used to return the position of the row after sorting.
These methods were used in the QTP libraries.
Keyword Driven Framework Overview
Block Diagram of Keyword Driven Framework
Functional Expert: This is Manual Testing Team taking care of Manual Testing Activity.
Test Suite: This excel sheet consists of the Test case format being followed.
Test Scenarios: This is a collection of Test cases that constitutes the end to end operation of an application as per the user role and permissions. Each Test Scenario is independent of other and if one fails execution of another does not get affected.
Results: When the Test is run then Control sheet gets updated with the corresponding results. Also in tool self generated result takes place in xml file.
QTP Expert: This consists of Automation Team who is actually involved into automation of the AUT. Each one of them is aware of QTP operation and Scripting.
QTP Startup Script: This script is used to launch/run the Driver script.
Driver Script: This script is used to drive the excel sheet like Test Scripts, Test Scenario file.
E.g. Open an excel sheet, save excel sheet, close excel sheet.
Class Libraries (Functions & parameters): Class libraries are developed to interact with the application widgets present in the applet (In case of Java based application).It is a collection of vbs to be used with the overall application.
Component Libraries (Functions & parameters): These are business component libraries which are making use of Class libraries to automate the business components like Users, Workflows, and Departments. These are the .vbs Functions already defined which contains application specific steps.
Functions Script (vbs: keywords and functions mapping): These are User Defined functions used to map with the keywords getting used by spreadsheet or control sheet.
E.g. for Login keyword, Login function is created and being called when QTP encounters this Login word it gets executed.
SetObjects.vbs: This is used to map the objects which are present into Object Repository with the VB variables from VB Script.
Object Repository: Stores the AUT object’s properties and its respective values.
Utility Libraries (Snapshots, DB): These are general purpose libraries with the help of them we can perform different tasks like Event logging, logging results to DB and connection to the database, taking error snapshot while running the script. Etc.
Recovery: This is one of the major components getting used by the test script. Initially recovery is being kept disabled and when it is actually going to be used with Framework then enable and it performs its intended operation.
Brief functional overview of Recovery Scenario is shown as below.
Snap Shot 
Utility Library
Sub Functions
How Recovery Scenario Works with The Framework?
            Some vb script error may occur while executing the main/sub functions in class library. It returns error code and message to class library function then class library gives call to the Recovery action which enables and activate all the Recovery Scenarios.
The Recovery Scenario instantiates post recovery option i.e. function call which takes snap shots of that unpredictable error pop-up by using snap shot Utility library. The snap shot will store in the results directory.
We can customize Recovery Scenarios as per our requirement and error types. By default in this framework Recovery Scenario is disabled. We explicitly enable it at the time of interaction of class libraries with the application.

Keyword Driven Framework User Interface (Table 1)
Results after execution (Table 2)

Implementation of Keyword Driven Framework
Description of each column (Table 2)
1. TCID: This field used for unique test case ID given by user.
2. STPID: It consists of sub test case ID for each test case.
3. disable: If ‘True’ parameter is passed for disable column particular test case will not get  
4. result: It show pass/fail/skip status of executed test case.
5. keyword: It take the parameter mapped with particular function.
6. comment: It  give the explanation about the selected keyword(What functionality it will
7. output: It display the error message occurred while executing test case with path of the
    captured image.
8. Parm_001 to Parm_0010: It take the parameters for function which is mapped with the
   specified keyword.
9. IF Pass: It contain the test case ID of subsequent test case to be execute if current test
    case is Pass.
10. IF Fail: It contain the test case ID of subsequent test case to be execute if current test
     case is Fail.
11. Time_Stamp: It displays execution time of particular sub test case.
How the organization benefited from Keyword Driven Framework?
The Keyword Driven Framework has following benefits:
1. The main advantage of this framework is the low cost for maintenance. If there is change in any test case, only the Test Case File / Single Object Repository needs to be updated and not the Driver Script and Startup script.
Example: For a product based company, maintenance of test scripts is a major task. When the company requirement was to shift to SUNJVM from MSJVM, it took ten days to make all the changes in Scripts as well as individual Object Repositories, whereas using the Keyword Driven Framework, it will require only one day to change the single common Object Repository. Hence 90% cost saving was achieved.
2. Building of Test Scenarios and execution of the Functional Test Suite was feasible without QTP and scripting knowledge.
3. This framework is easy to understand when non-testers come in picture(for test case design).
4. Re-usability significantly increased over a period of time.
5. Test Script development is possible without a functioning application.
6. Test cases designed in this framework are less prone to human errors.
Future Scope
The organization looks forth the execution of Business Process Testing in an unattended mode.
So even in case of new joiners / high retention rate, less training will be required
Object based Framework for Risk Driven Test Automation
Reghunath Balaraman
Danny R. Faught
Nov 5, 2004
Brian Qualters
Jan 6, 2003
Paulo Barros, Progressive Insurance
Brian Qualters, TurboTesting Concepts
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