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Joined: 23Feb2007
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Quote Harsha Replybullet Topic: bug writing guidelines
    Posted: 23Feb2007 at 10:52am
How to Write a Useful Bug Report

Useful bug reports are ones that get bugs fixed. A useful bug report normally has two qualities:

  1. Reproducible. If an engineer can't see it or conclusively prove that it exists, the engineer will probably stamp it "WORKSFORME" or "INVALID", and move on to the next bug. Every detail you can provide helps.

  2. Specific. The quicker the engineer can isolate the issue to a specific problem, the more likely it'll be expediently fixed. (If a programmer or tester has to decypher a bug, they spend more time cursing the submitter than fixing or testing the problem.)

Let's say the application you're testing is a web browser. You crash at, and want to write up a bug report:

BAD: "My browser crashed. I think I was on My computer uses Windows. I think that this is a really bad problem and you should fix it now. By the way, your icons really suck. Nobody will use your software if you keep those ugly icons. Oh, and my grandmother's home page doesn't look right, either, it's all messed up. Good luck."

GOOD: "I crashed each time when I went to, using the 10.28.99 build on a Win NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5) system. I also rebooted into Linux, and reproduced this problem using the 10.28.99 Linux build.

It again crashed each time upon drawing the Foo banner at the top of the page. I broke apart the page, and discovered that the following image link will crash the application reproducibly, unless you remove the "border=0" attribute:

<IMG SRC="" width=34 height=44 border=0 alt="News">"

How to Enter your Useful Bug Report into Bugzilla

Before you enter your bug, use the Bugzilla Query Page to determine whether the defect you've discovered is a known bug, and has already been reported. (If your bug is the 37th duplicate of a known issue, you're more likely to annoy the engineer. Annoyed engineers fix fewer bugs.)

Next, be sure that you've reproduced your bug using a recent build. (Engineers tend to be most interested in problems afflicting the code base that they're actively working on, rather than those in a code base that's hundreds of bug fixes obsolete.)

If you've discovered a new bug using a current build, report it in Bugzilla:

    1. From your Bugzilla main page, choose "Enter a new bug".
    2. Select the product that you've found a bug in.
    3. Enter your E-mail address, Password, and press the "Login" button. (If you don't yet have a password, leave the password text box empty, and press the "E-mail me a password" button instead. You'll receive an E-mail message with your password shortly.)

    Now, fill out the form. Here's what it all means:

Where did you find the bug?

Product: In which product did you find the bug?
You just filled this out on the last page.

Version: In which product version did you find the bug?
If applicable.

Component: In which component does the bug exist?
Bugzilla requires that you select a component to enter a bug. (If they all look meaningless, click on the Component link, which links to descriptions of each component, to help you make the best choice.)

Platform: On which hardware platform did you find this bug? (e.g. Macintosh, SGI, Sun, PC.)
If you know the bug happens on all hardware platforms, choose 'All'. Otherwise, select the platform that you found the bug on, or "Other" if your platform isn't listed.

OS: On which Operating System (OS) did you find this bug? (e.g. Linux, Windows NT, Mac OS 8.5.)
If you know the bug happens on all OSs, choose 'All'. Otherwise, select the OS that you found the bug on, or "Other" if your OS isn't listed.

How important is the bug?

Severity: How damaging is the bug?
This item defaults to 'normal'. (To determine the most appropriate severity for a particular bug, click on the Severity link for a full explanation of each choice, from Critical to Enhancement.)

Who will be following up on the bug?

Assigned To: Which engineer should be responsible for fixing this bug?
Bugzilla will automatically assign the bug to a default engineer upon submitting a bug report; the text box exists to allow you to manually assign it to a different engineer. (To see the list of default engineers for each component, click on the Component link.)

Cc: Who else should receive e-mail updates on changes to this bug?
List the full e-mail addresses of other individuals who should receive an e-mail update upon every change to the bug report. You can enter as many e-mail addresses as you'd like; e-mail addresses must be separated by commas, with no spaces between the addresses.

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