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 One Stop Testing ForumTesting Tools @ OneStopTestingWinRunner @ OneStopTesting


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Joined: 28Apr2007
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Quote Suparna Replybullet Topic: TSL SCRIPTS FOR WEB TESTING
    Posted: 02Jun2007 at 1:29am
1. web_browser_invoke ( browser, site );

// invokes the browser and opens a specified site. browser The name of browser (IE or NETSCAPE). site The address of the site.

2. web_cursor_to_image ( image, x, y );

// moves the cursor to an image on a page. image The logical name of the image. x,y The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer when moved to an image

3. web_cursor_to_label ( label, x, y );

// moves the cursor to a label on a page. label The name of the label. x,y The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer when moved to a label.

4.web_cursor_to_link ( link, x, y );

// moves the cursor to a link on a page. link The name of the link. x,y The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer when moved to a link.

5.web_cursor_to_obj ( object, x, y );

// moves the cursor to an object on a page. object The name of the object. x,y The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer when moved to an object.

6.web_event ( object, event_name [, x , y ] );

// uns an event on a specified object. object The logical name of the recorded object. event_name The name of an event handler. x,y The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer when moved to an object

7.web_file_browse ( object );

// clicks a browse button. object A file-type object.

8.web_file_set ( object, value );

// sets the text value in a file-type object. object A file-type object. Value A text string.

9. web_find_text ( frame, text_to_find, result_array [, text_before, text_after, index, show ] );

// returns the location of text within a frame.

10. web_frame_get_text ( frame, out_text [, text_before, text_after, index ] );

// retrieves the text content of a frame.

11. web_frame_get_text_count ( frame, regex_text_to_find , count );

// returns the number of occurrences of a regular expression in a frame.

12. web_frame_text_exists ( frame, text_to_find [, text_before, text_after ] );

// returns a text value if it is found in a frame.

13.web_get_run_event_mode ( out_mode );

// returns the current run mode out_mode The run mode in use. If the mode is FALSE, the default parameter, the test runs by mouse operations. If TRUE, is specified, the test runs by events.

14. web_get_timeout ( out_timeout );

// returns the maximum time that WinRunner waits for response from the web. out_timeout The maximum interval in seconds

15.web_image_click ( image, x, y );

// clicks a hypergraphic link or an image. image The logical name of the image. x,y The x- and y-coordinates of the mouse pointer when clicked on a hypergraphic link or an image.

16. web_label_click ( label );

// clicks the specified label. label The name of the label.

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